Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Old Royal's

I was thinking about, my young high school, typing class. The old Royal's and Underwood's, and 'depth of purpose'. By that expression, I mean...when one typed, one typed as one thought...with depth of purpose. Reason being, the typewriter key strokes on the old manual typewriter's, were deep and mechanical. It took a force to depress each key. It was hard to make the 'pinky fingers', of either hand do their key strokes, and yet we became efficient, proficient at doing so, and the rutted paths we carved in our minds, of those key stroke patterns...linger to this day. 

Each of my fingers had to make 'definite decisions', to nail the keys in the key stroke patterns. That's a difference, between then and now. Now, people don't make definite decisions. They don't know, nor are they trained to make definite decisions. Now, they make 'tentative' decisions, or tepid decisions...and 'indecision', is the keystroke of the day. We, as a society, no longer touch each other deeply. That's the difference. Oh, the minds blaze away. The fingers flash along the board, like lightning. But there is no thunder, no deep resonance...with anything, or anyone. 

Humans need to be touched, deeply. Without the tactile, 'body mind' sense of humanness...what are we? Are we just mind, then...or are we ''body mind'? There was an important book, written on the subject of body mind. I would say, it's still important. Where is our humanity going, and what are we giving up? Is it right to give up 'work' for 'ease'? Is our soul suffering the distinction? 

What will we miss in the digital, that we experienced in the mechanical? Around the country, there are science museums, that people can visit, to lay 'hands on', on various tactile experiments. What I notice, is that the exhibits are no longer 'tactile'. There is no 'feeling' in them, no depth of purpose, no mechanical analog. No soul. And, just as we are the sum of our parts, only a part of us is considered, anymore. 

Certainly the mind, is emphasized over all these days of 'tech'. However, a mind without will is much like a body without natural, work. Body's now, are 'gym styled, air brushed 'pretty bodies', rather than naturally contoured wonders of creation. Because, as used to be said..."Everything, is of a piece." Therefore, the mind follows suit. A mind without 'true will', or will of god, lacks depth of purpose. 

Humans are now, becoming, more and more tepid, ephemeral, transitory...fading out. Try to get a ''handshake', lately? How do you like those wet ones, sweaty, weak, tepid, indecisive? A handshake tells a lot about a human. It reveals strength and weakness. We are in trouble, people...sincerely.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Royal manual typewriter, circa 1954

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