Wednesday, February 21, 2018

As We Believe

I had a good day, today...even a fun day, while I was working. I've wanted to bring 'the Merlin project' together, for awhile. I've touched on it again and again, in my short writing career, and made it a part of my 'first draft' novel.

There are many more lines to bring together, many more front line, and background characters to paint in. It is an interesting project, because, there are so many loose bricks, laying build the project of.

The first draft, was mainly action, fact and fiction, or 'factioniction'. I have a personal interest, and investment, in the project...seeing that, my surname...Clyde, lends itself, seamlessly to the ancestry of Alth Clut and all of its parts and players.

Thus, in all of that, I may decide to 'historically fictionalize' accounts, on the subject of my ancestors, or I may go page to page, marking footnotes of historical and mythographical interest and evidence.

If it only ends up, as a 'tome', in will be amazing, and I feel no reluctance, to include maps and artistic illustrations...of my design, or the designs of others, I may chance upon, wishing to share in the projects future.

Why not 'make a thing' of it, proving...'we are more than the sum of our parts', quite a bit more, actually. It is already becoming a clue filled, adventure. I confess, I can hardly turn the next page.

So be It...

Written by Bruce James Clyde, at Deming, New Mexico

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