Saturday, November 26, 2016

Weather Rock

I am not a scientist. I can't stand 'scientists'. I think, they are the most 'inconsiderate' thinkers, i.e. 'assholes', on the entire planet. They overthink, and overtake, mankind's and Earth's, capacity to assimilate...the foolishness, they dream up.

Of course, they call themselves...'geniuses'. See what I mean? Assholes! To prove it, they don't deny...when claimed, by idiots...they are the neo-replacement, for the 'god concept'. They just 'roll' with it.

Let's see, what they've brought us so far, well...a cure for smallpox, flue, plague...'bless them?' Now we are overpopulated, by...oh, 'several billion', Black Friday shopping, 'brain trusts'. Then, 'they' busted the 'atom', and gave us 'the hydrogen bomb', with which, the military can now wipe out, the whole planet.

Then, there's 'nano tech', and the very real possibility, those microscopic machines, wont stop at eating 'oil slicks' and will just go on and 'eat' the whole about, 4 days, I understand. Now, they are working on 'the genome', cloning humans, sheep, ancient strains of virus, dinosaurs...and we don't know where that's going to go, but 'we've seen the movies'.

Last, but not least...'computer technology', the ever ingratiating, 'soft and fuzzy', integration of man and machine. But, what's all this I hear about 'robots', replacements for man, replacements for love, for emotion, for morality. 'Science!'

Science and 'Global Warming', and the denial of it. Look folks, I'm no scientist...but I was taught elementary understanding in grade school. 'What goes up, must come down'. Thus, warm air rises. Cold air settles. If warm air rises high enough, into the upper atmosphere...the edge of space, and begins its cycle of regular will create a 'funnel', down which air, as cold as space will descend...'quickly!'.

When that air hits the ground, it will 'explode' with water droplets, that turn to snow, and wind like a hurricane, to 'push it'. There, you have it...'global warming' turns to 'global cooling', and we're ALL snow cones. As simple, as ABC Dead! You can deny it. You can put on your 'Billy Bob' hat and descend to 'beer heaven'...or, you can do what I do, when I want to get a weather report. I check my 'weather rock'.

So, 'piss on it', if you don't believe me, and have 'a wet, yellow day'!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: weather rock, google pic

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