Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Once Upon A Swine

One time, long ago...when I was a navy lad, a fellow mate, of no love lost, contrived to sleep, without so much as a skivvey on! Now, I passed by, as fate would have, a melting ice cream cone in hand, I saw his bum, and all in one...shoved that 'strawberry thing', as far as the China mainland!

The race was on, my life in doubt...of deeply perilous jeopardy, for I without thought, had creamed the shite of 'the onboard rag of newsery'! He chased and he chased and we raced and raced, and he as buck neck'd as a swine! I got away, in the days beyond...looked for a 'newspaper story'.

Twas naught, nor one dire word, upon that midnight race! Kind o' like an alphabet agency, 'to knight ye', but never tell...your glory!


Written by Bruce James Clyde, at Deming, New Mexico

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