Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Pursuit of Liberty

I live in the desert, but not the natural desert. We are denizens of convenience...of luxury, without work, or as little work as is possible, to perform. We are sun worshippers, but we shelter ourselves from the sun. We live in air conditioned spaces. We hide from the elements and the chemical sky's of the modern world. We do not defecate in the sand, as the natural animal does, and yet the animal ruling the very top of the food chain is 'man'. There is no place set aside for the natural animal, the traveller. Society has set rules...limitations to the human animal. You must be claimed, marked, accepted...belonging to some group, club, community, and you must pay dues of one form or another.

If a traveller inherits a way to purchase a piece of the earth, here is what he will find in the way of his happiness...his freedom to become independent. He will find rules within rules, within rules, all dedicated, not to make one free of dependence, in this, so called, 'land of the free', but to enslave one to utter and overwhelming dependence on every unnatural device of modern conception and convenience. If one avoids these conceptions, one loses his 'card' of acceptance and becomes an outcast of his kind. He wander's where he will. He is not a joiner. He speaks his truth, as he has experienced it. This man is a danger. This man is not a 'teamworker'. This man has 'eccentric' ideas of freedom and liberty, and justice...'for all'. This man may, just possibly, defficate in the sand...Oh my!

There is no free land, even if it's useless and rural and distant. The native Americans were forcibly removed from their free land, by the Europeans who dreamed up 'manifest destiny', and interred these free people onto reservations, where they are free to accept what they got, but not to leave or ask for more. And yet, these native born Americans asked for less than they were given, for they avow, the Earth cannot 'belong' to a man, for man is but a caretaker. And yet, man...the European man, has changed every balance point in the entire earth, making up, as he is wont to do, his own 'manifest destiny'...and now the Earth and it's people, are so severely out of balance, there is faint hope, man, with all his colossal arrogance and cleverness, can grip the reigns of Earth and set her straight, so now they 'rationalize' yet again, in abidance with their 'manifest destiny, to take prophesy out of God's hands and into their own, in order to trigger an apocalyptic war, to bury all truth beneath.

No...there is no free land. There is only the gnawing certainty, in those, advocating the 'tiny home' movement, who have deep pockets, offshore securities, to live like a King in a fifteen foot take it and shit anywhere they please...that the end of their happiness is nye, but the rest of us must follow rules, and we are out priced and outgunned, by the consortium of minny despots and capitalists, so completely, that the permit to sink our septic tank may never come through, and useless desert sand costs the price of gold, and you cannot build a yurt, and you cannot have a horse on half an acre, and your residence must conform to county regulation such and thus, We are free to pursue get that, but to catch up to it, nail it down, and ride that bitch, you got to take it away from the rich man. Good luck with that.

I am not bitter. I am riteous, for I know who has the truth and who tells the lie. And there is an end to the lie, and it is riding...out of the four corners of the Earth, it is riding every usurper of God's eternal law, and all ye who turned against the doctrine of the truth, hear the hoof beats, and fear what rides forth. To those who have desired of peace, and have been given gall to drink, I day, you shall taste of the sweetness of heaven, and none will deny you, for your enemy's and all lier's will be gone. It will be, in the world, as if they never existed. This land is my land, said God, not your land. Who here dare'es to divvy it out and flip it and manipulate it to the enslavement of the poor in the world among you? You are ravenous whores and money changers in the temple of my father, who is God in Heaven, and this Earth you have wasted and desecrated, is his footstool.

I am not Moses. I am a son of the living God, and I say, let my people go to their place in the land, where ever it may be, and do not impede them further, or by all that is in heaven, you will pay immeasurably, for your impedance of them. For in the heavens are their millions, and the ships of all worlds, come to bow before the children here, you have rejected, and demanded, and aborted from their justice under God's sight. Did you think it would forever be, the prevailing wind of your manifestation? This is my knowledge, and my prayer, as a seeker of my place to simply be, for myself and my family...release these children from your grip and allow free passage to the heart's desire, for they are not yours...

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2015

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Zen Cowboy

There is much to be said for having 'little' keep a zen of clutter. Everything I own takes a shit in my house. If I don't clean up after it...the shit piles up. I realize I can choose to clean up shit, the rest of my life...or...I can quit collecting things that take a shit in my house. This astute observation came about, while packing for a move to our new home. I have just about killed myself packing useless objects. If they aren't useless, then, why do they just sit there and say "We don't give a shit." They don't help me to move them. They don't dust themselves or clean up after themselves. They don't respect my space. Maybe some of you know objects like this. Maybe some of you know people like this. If a thing takes a shit in your space but doesn't give a shit about your space...are you allowed to clean out the clutter one last time? There! Now...doesn't that feel better? Was it treasure or was it crap? What's worth more...something or nothing? You tell me. Actually, I found out the hard way. You don't need to tell me. If I see a 'snow globe' sauntering into our yard in New Mexico, I'm gonna say, really friendly like..."Howdy stranger...ain't seen you in these parts before...yeah you're cute, but we don't need no more shit, so get along on outa here, and you all...have a nice day! The end.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2015

Art: Instant f u snow globe, credit unknown

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Mirage

At the edge of enchantment, 

a desert's cursive hand stretched forth, 

and there, Morgana...fey... conveyed the hidden way, 

as all the script of the ships, had come from Midralee, their grammery on display. 

How came they low? How did they there, that day? So long ago, across the beam of Roswell come...where trap were laid? 

The wheels rolled...and two worlds crashed in deaths, time itself, afore it was...must likewise, rearrange...

and pardon weigh, a parlay played...a sorting of the living for the dead...for sake of 'castling's King', 

this one time in the game...that magic square... the grid...of geniuses and lunatics...was made, 

and no one on the he...will know a thing, for time, amiss, must be repaid.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2015

Art: Mirage, credit unknown
