Wednesday, November 30, 2016


I will 'support', 'like', 'endorse', 'share'...whomsoever, I feel is worth the effort, from various media, venues...or arts, in order to 'safeguard' the future, as an individual. I think this manner, of 'sorting', and 'winnowing' will take hold, must take hold, because, we, as 'the electorate', can no longer survive, marching in 'lockstep', trusting in the 'same old' matrix...while following someone's 'dubious' orders.

I will take each step, in consideration, of 'the next'. I will not wear a 'bumper sticker', a political insignia, or a mask. I will just, not 'choose' you, if I do not agree with your mission, or your methods. If your product 'sucks'...YOU eat it! If it 'harms', YOU stand on 'the business end' of it! If it 'lies', I hope your 'DICK' falls off!

It's a 'new world'. Beware, 'the orders'. Avoid 'the draft'. You might catch a cold...or get your ass blown off! The future holds 'War', 'famine', 'pestilence'...and 'death'. In the future, you can 'stand back from war', because you endorsed the building of 'the robots', that make it unnecessary to 'face', the enemy you are killing. Instead, you must 'face the robots', you endorsed. They will come for YOU!

Make no mistake! You ARE creating your future. It starts now! Apple's when devils, and 'lying serpents', are dangerous for your health. You were taught. You didn't listen. You don't believe. Now, you are ALL apples, and they will 'pick you off', one at a time...and eat you, at their leisure. 'Brave new world'? I don't think so. More like, 'running for its life, world!'

Be careful, Be watchful. Be aware, at ALL, and into the future. Don't take 'dares'. Stay low , like water...and be beautiful. 'Walk softly, on the earth'. Help others. Be kind, Take no part, in things, you know, will harm...that none of these things, may touch you. He love's you. Best to all.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Main killer robots, google art

Good morning!

I can easily see, how older folk could...'go to the dogs, birds and kitties.' When you can, no longer, tolerate...the 'doings' of humanity, there they are, the 'other' earthly beings...begging for some help. They come, without judgement, only hoping...not to be harmed, to be fed and watered and watched. 

Here, in our desert...there are, easily 200 birds, that come each morning to feed and water here, at our house. This morning, it is 17 degrees F, and the water containers were frozen over. I just put out a big popcorn tub size metal pot, with 'warm water', for them. 

The two feed and farms stores, in town...sell 'bird seed' by the 50 pound bag. They sell a lot of it, and we all talk 'birds', when we gather there. One guy said..."You don't want to run out of bird seed, here. Remember the movie...'The Birds'?, and he smiled and wiggled his eyebrows.

So, we have many friends in the desert. It's going to be a cold one, this year, as there is no sign now, of our wild rabbits, or ground squirrels. They are all 'deep in their burrows, nice and warm. Take care out there, whomever...or whatever, you may be:-)

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: wild birds, google pic

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Whistle Blower

I do blow a whistle, but I don't steal 'state secrets', and I don't have the facility, or the money necessary to operate a 'thisyleak', or 'takealeak', or 'wankaleak'. How do these guys come up with all the funds, to set themselves in business...leaking anything? More than that, what keeps them alive? Any normal human being, would simply be found 'dead'.

It leads me to believe, personally, that they never were 'running', from their clandestine bosses, but are made to look 'as if they are', another 'sleight of hand' magic, 'now you see it, now you don't', operation. I don't know why they are leaking, and we may never know...the 'real' reason. I think, the reasons, we think they're doing it, might be 'collateral damage', to the genuine truth. Someone is 'buying' it, so to speak...but, certainly...we think 'everything' is about us. This time, it might not be.

In every fashion possible, at every level...we are being 'doubly dealt', and doubly lied too. I do blow a whistle...a small 'penny whistle'. Feadog! All of this 'leaking', is so far above, most of our pay grades, it wasn't meant for us to understand. A 'secret war' is being waged, and occasionally, it falls out into the street...where some 'poor slob' picks up on it, and 'runs with it', and periodically...disappears.

I just wish, they would raise their 'semi-devine' asses off our earthly cushions, and leave, to where they came from...'bash it out' there! I'm so god damn tired of them. By the way...leave our girls alone, and our scum sucking pricks! Buzz off! Take your donuts, your 'high fructose syrup', and your GMO horse shit with you. I don't need your 'flying frikk'n saucers', or your Fruit named' eyepads.

Just leave! Are you deaf? Leave here! Now! Leave, so that we can go back, to eating yummy flakey 'butterfingers', hamburgers made with 'non-slime' beef patties, Coke soda, that tastes like it used to, three recipe's ago.Leave, so we can go back to making love, with our naive and simple 'Earth girls', instead of your 'reptile facsimile's' of earth women.

Let our sky's be clear of your presence, your 'chemtrails', your 'geo-engineering-, terra forming 'transvestite-ism'. Let us, sort us out. I heard a 'newswoman' say to an audience, today..."Get your 'abortions's now, because Trump will 'change everything!' ". Is that supposed to be 'damning, of Trump? You sick freaks!?

You gave a 'taste' of your 'advanced civilization', to the whole world. It has almost, destroyed us. We will get over 'the taste'. We wont be as advanced for many a moon. Maybe we can just 'be ordinary'. Take the 'nukes' too, and dump them in a sun somewhere...out there, and the science that knows how to invent such monstrous things, along with it.

Let us be 'a primitive species'. Let us 'wonder', for a few more millennia. Farewell, but get the fuck out'a here, before we find 'a cure' for you!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: forest faun, google art

All Roads Lead West

Millennial: a person reaching young adulthood around the year 2000; a Generation Yer.

"the industry brims with theories on what makes millennials tick". Source: google

It is tragic, to me...really, to see a whole generation of people, that are useless beyond belief, in any kind of 'reality'. They cannot 'open a can of beans'. They are dumber than blondes. They 'mill', in a circle, waiting for intelligence to 'beam them up', like androids, that have been disconnected from their brain stem. It is just ludicrous. They are completely 'handicapped', but are not declared so. 

The latest iteration of label on them, is the term, 'snowflake'. True, they melt at the first sign of 'heat'. Pressure, makes them cry. Any of them will tell you...'we are geniuses'. Yet, I think, 'snowflake' is unfair. I've been called a snowflake before, lots of times. Difference is...I get over it, get through it, spend years, dreaming up a 'snappy' comeback...but 'they' don't. 

Why would evolution design a 'blank', or 'punk' they are also entire species of 'pseudo humans', that are only meant to fail, in the face of difficulty, of real work...of effort? But they DO things, like button pushing zombies, they make their masters machines work, with miraculous speed and agility. Try it yourself, if it's so frikk'n easy. 

They all resemble, mustard yellow 'grubs', out of shape, flabby, grey, light avoiding, peanut butter sandwich eating, anime porn sucking 'peter pans', that just never grew up. They yearn toward black. They hold a sort of 'gothic misery', within a techno 'teddy bear', in a dark childs arms. They are nothing to write home about, and 'they die easily, and hopelessly' when confronted with truth or right, or light. 

Forget mentioning 'God', to them. They wont go there. Nope! 'Nihilism', is in their blood. It's either win or die with them. They don't see 'later', or future, as an option. They puncture every 'orifice', with metal objects, and tattoo over the 'human condition', as if it were a shame to them. They are a 'collective', a colony. When cold, which they naturally are, they huddle in groups, rather than blankets. I would declare them, 'children of the damned', but I think...'they were hacked', by the devil. 

I can't say, I am very sympathetic, for I see them, as being the kind, that will turn on any, bearing sympathy toward them. 'Love', as an antiseptic, a sympathetic...will only enrage them...passively. They are not here for you. They are here, for 'the agenda', which the 'election process' just fuct them out of. That's why they were sooo depressed, sooo enraged, sooo lost on the mean streets, they couldn't go back to attend classes at college...for a week. 

That's NOT normal folks. There is something...not right, with 'the left'. Who among us, that ooze warm blood, would not want to 'fix it'? But, I think, when 'the chip' hits the fan, and reality is all that's left, we will watch 'them' die off, as leaves from trees, beneath winter's wind. Perhaps, I'm wrong. Before, they go...'watch out!', they may go with a bang!

I know. They're our children, but were they EVER children, really? Were they ever ours? 

Mother's, you've watched them, fathers? You've watched them, too. What think you? You raised them , for years. Ever a 'nagging doubt'? Ever a 'locked' door, inside YOUR bedroom? Or, are we going to go with..."they were my 'perfect' little cherubs. Right. Ok, then.

Did you ever reach them, or did they just 'smile at you', and say nothing? Millennium. The 'millennial's'. Recall the spooky TV series, of that name? A foreboding 'omen'? A sort of 'pall' of warning? What ended 2000? Did 'humanity' end, or more, the humanity in biology? After that, it was just, 'fuck it and leave it', raze this, destroy that...Black Friday, screw Christmas! Feel about right?

I know. I watched it too, the whole thing...come down, as 'Hell' put up their ministers, their electorate. The 'Whitehouse' turned grey, and then became 'the 'Blackhouse', the flags turned 'upside down', the Military Brass, 'changed out', the 'silent war',to end all war...begun. Sovereign leader's 'struck', with 'shock and awe', as a devil's fires raged in the desert sands. 

This elections more important than you know, or might admit, the truth be told. But 'truth', in short supply, is hard to find...on any tongue, where lie's, the staple sum. Best to us, so...whistle in the dark, while double crossing 'deaths own valley''. Turkey's tanks and troops, just entered Syria., the 'Horsemen' thund'ring close behind. 

Horsemen thund'ring close behind...

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Turkish Army, in Syria? File Photo, Rumor Mill

Porcelain Fallacie's

Fake  news stories, false flags, and lies of sundry kinds are whirling round us now, like some kind of demented 'wack-a-mole' fairy wheel. It's largely, excrement, revealing 'one thing'. It's all going down the toilet!

Stand back people! This is how you end up in 'The Ministry of Magic'...otherwise known, as 'main stream media', aka...'the crapper'! If you believe it now, you're bigger idiot's than they are. It fulminates! It fumes! It 'stinks', to high heaven! Geez! People, get a room!

Realize! 'THEY' ARE DUMPING THEIR SHIT! It's like 'drug running' highway men, tossing stuff out their windows...cops, dead on their tail! They're looking for any way out, blame anyone, 'scapegoat' someone, just...any passerby!

Now, they and the 'alternative' media...unfortunately, are passing off tainted 'treated' stories, sanitized by 'alphabet agencies', and repeating them as 'hard' virgin news. The alternative news sources are the victim here, but they did it to themselves, and finally got caught in their own 'rumor trap'. In effect, then...there is no news, official or otherwise. It's...over!

You have gone and done it, made ALL the news as incidental and believable, as a 'pulp fiction' rag. So, while you are running around, looking for a 'head'...Dick, we are out here sleuthing our own truth, and slogging through the sewer's you filled with your sludge. Yech! Reminds me of a song, by The Eagles...whose lyrics I have included below, this post.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: google pic

"Life In The Fast Lane" by The Eagles

He was a hard-headed man 
He was brutally handsome, and she was terminally pretty 
She held him up, and he held her for ransom in the heart 
of the cold, cold city 
He had a nasty reputation as a cruel dude 
They said he was ruthless, they said he was crude 
They had one thing in common, they were 
good in bed 
She'd say, 'Faster, faster. The lights are turnin' red." 
Life in the fast lane 
Surely make you lose your mind, mm 
Are you with me so far? 

Eager for action and hot for the game 
The coming attraction, the drop of a name 
They knew all the right people, they took 
all the right pills 
They threw outrageous parties, they paid heavenly bills 
There were lines on the mirror, lines on her face 
She pretended not to notice, she was caught up 
in the race 

Out every evening, until it was light 
He was too tired to make it, she was too tired 
to fight about it 

Life in the fast lane 
Surely make you lose your mind 
Life in the fast lane, everything all the time 
Life in the fast lane, uh huh 
Blowin' and burnin', blinded by thirst 
They didn't see the stop sign, 
took a turn for the worse 

She said, "Listen, baby. You can hear the engine 
ring. We've been up and down this highway; 
haven't seen a goddam thing." 
He said, "Call the doctor. I think I'm gonna crash." 
"The doctor say he's comin', but you gotta pay him cash." 
They went rushin' down that freeway, 
messed around and got lost 
They didn't care they were just dyin' to get off 
And it was life in the fast lane 
Life in the fast lane

Monday, November 28, 2016

The Pizza Monster

'Pizzagate! Pizza this and pizza that, may turn me off of pizza forever. But I will watch, as you will...with awe, but not shock! I can perfectly imagine, these sordid freaks, doing this to kids, and getting away with it, and why not? They are the 'Powers' over us. They write the laws. They make the rules. They edit 'the truth', and hide 'the clues' in code, right before our eyes!

I suppose, most of these kids, just give up...knowing, no cavalry will arrive, no Pastor, no Cop, no 'undercover' hero, to save them from their fate. You know...the 'alternative media' is afraid, right now...that they are being set up, to take the fall for 'revealing this truth'. It might happen, but I think, 'They worry about themselves, too much'! WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS???

Sort yourselves out later, and quit 'sidelining', that most important truth...THE KIDS, being sacrificed, molested, hidden...terrified, by monsters, they were taught 'would save them'. Why are 'the kids' second, to that most serious consideration...'covering your own ass'? You should work tirelessly, and without thought, of your find these kids, and free them from 'this thing'.

'Freedom of speech', and the people, who purvey it and twist it, and manipulate others with it...are as tainted and guilty as are those, who wrap themselves in 'false flags', saluting ANYTHING, as long as it's connected to 'national pride', while tearing our country apart.. Well HOW ABOUT THIS? Are you PROUD of  'this'? This, PIZZAGATE?

Speech, and the freedom of it, is a power, that has been as abused as these children...who have been abducted, coerced, and 'used', to satisfy this worlds evil appetites...from the top down. Look at THE NEWS, all of it, 'mainstream and 'alternative'...bashing each other, accusing each other. "You're a liar! No! You are!" Back and forth, and so it goes...'good cop, bad cop', same old obfuscation, distraction and 'sleight of hand', used, when hiding or 'graying' the truth.

WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS? Take 'this' in hand...'the Real Power', is here, watching you! You were given a task. You were given 'a truth'! Do your spite of all the pressure. Get the story out there, and HELP THESE KIDS! We are looking at 'the blatant abuse of children', and 'the abuse of our First Amendment Right to Free Speech. THEY ARE BOTH IN DANGER, AND NEED SAVING!, and by God, they will be!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: pizza, google pic

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Omen Birds

        caw                           caw!
                caw          caw

                                              caw                                                 caw!
                                                      caw                                caw
                                                               cock!            caca

                                                                                         caw                                caw
                                                                                                  cock            caca!
                      caw!                                                                                 caca!
                                   caw                            caw!
                                           caw           caca!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: flock of crows, google pic, having a little fun



T'will all be washed, in afterglow, as any sheep...were washed of sin, the world anew, and bright...again, as if, the whole were newly made. The lord astride his ebon steed, atop his equine merkabah. Nor, shadow stray, the light of lights, about each thing...creator made.

The blood of millions, bless the gain, of all the trees...and meadow grass...the limbs, about the mortal plane, strewn, silent on a stony grave, the saving Grail, for most of them...a grace, though, few there were, believed; a boon, that they may build again...this ruined place.

Listing to the westernward, Tir na nog, where joy is heard, where fruiting trees and children are; nor ever end, their happier...eternity. This, other world, for they alone...are finished here, and have gone home to meet their gods, and family. How, in two realms, immortals are, the wizard wist'd wot was ill and, wot was not...and smiled.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: a wizard, google art

The Black Horse

There is ANOTHER prophesy.

'When Merlin rides a 'black horse', then, darkness will die of the light.'

Where is Merlin's grave? Where are Merlin's bones? Where is Merlin's heart, where he lay's him in the moss? The owl is his, the sparrow hawk, the oozle duff, the meadow lark...and his 'black horse', moon and he fly's through 'the myth', on a stormy a land that time forgot.

You just can't make this up, or...YES, you can!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: The black horse, google art

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Black Snake

In 1997, I was a 'bus driver', for a company, based along the central coast of California. My daily route, took me to several central coast cities.

One such day, I parked in a parking lot, of a local 'Carrows' restaurant...having a half hour of 'down time'. It was a clear, sunny day. I stepped to the front of my bus, lit up a 'smoke'...for I still smoked then, and leaned back against the hood, to enjoy a moment.

Perhaps a minute passed, and I gazed at the front entrance of the restaurant. There, by herself...stood, what appeared to be a Catholic nun, for she wore the 'habit', a dark head covering, with a white band beneath it...above her forehead, and a long black garment. She had 'riveting', eyes and stared straight at me. She stood out, with no one around her, and she 'gave me the creeps'.

I began to step forward, but as I did so, I looked down, toward the pavement...and there before my feet, lay stretched, an enormous 'black snake'. I pulled back a step, and looked up, toward the nun. She had vanished, in the blink of several seconds. I looked back down...the black snake, had likewise vanished, and in its place lay a puddle of water. It had not leaked from my bus, nor had it previously rained.

I walked into the restaurant, to ask...had anyone seen 'the nun'? No one had seen her or could guess her whereabouts. It mystified me, and still does, 'years later'. I mention it now, because of a Lakota Sioux prophesy, called 'The Black Snake Prophesy', that I happened across recently.

Something is happening, at Standing Rock, North Dakota, I think...we should all take note of, and pay 'the utmost' respect too. It is a 'sign', and it involves everyone. Was I given an 'early warning', by a 'vanishing nun? I don't know. Do we dare overlook this? I feel certain...we must not.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: R.H. Walsh, The Black Snake Prophesy

Our elders have told us that if the zuzeca sape, the black snake, comes across our land, our world will end. Zuzeca has come – in the form of the Dakota Access pipeline – and so I must fight.  Source: The Gaurdian

The ancient Native Prophecy of the Black Snake is happening at this very moment. Right now thousands of natives and others have come together to stop the black snake Dakota Access Pipeline from crossing over the Missouri river into the land of the Lakota Indians. According to prophecy, if the black snake crosses the river into the land the waters will be poisoned and it will mark off the end of the world. They do not call themselves protestors but instead they are the water protectors. They are protecting the water and the future for us and our children and grandchildren. Source: TheInternaut, Rumor Mill News.

Weather Rock

I am not a scientist. I can't stand 'scientists'. I think, they are the most 'inconsiderate' thinkers, i.e. 'assholes', on the entire planet. They overthink, and overtake, mankind's and Earth's, capacity to assimilate...the foolishness, they dream up.

Of course, they call themselves...'geniuses'. See what I mean? Assholes! To prove it, they don't deny...when claimed, by idiots...they are the neo-replacement, for the 'god concept'. They just 'roll' with it.

Let's see, what they've brought us so far, well...a cure for smallpox, flue, plague...'bless them?' Now we are overpopulated, by...oh, 'several billion', Black Friday shopping, 'brain trusts'. Then, 'they' busted the 'atom', and gave us 'the hydrogen bomb', with which, the military can now wipe out, the whole planet.

Then, there's 'nano tech', and the very real possibility, those microscopic machines, wont stop at eating 'oil slicks' and will just go on and 'eat' the whole about, 4 days, I understand. Now, they are working on 'the genome', cloning humans, sheep, ancient strains of virus, dinosaurs...and we don't know where that's going to go, but 'we've seen the movies'.

Last, but not least...'computer technology', the ever ingratiating, 'soft and fuzzy', integration of man and machine. But, what's all this I hear about 'robots', replacements for man, replacements for love, for emotion, for morality. 'Science!'

Science and 'Global Warming', and the denial of it. Look folks, I'm no scientist...but I was taught elementary understanding in grade school. 'What goes up, must come down'. Thus, warm air rises. Cold air settles. If warm air rises high enough, into the upper atmosphere...the edge of space, and begins its cycle of regular will create a 'funnel', down which air, as cold as space will descend...'quickly!'.

When that air hits the ground, it will 'explode' with water droplets, that turn to snow, and wind like a hurricane, to 'push it'. There, you have it...'global warming' turns to 'global cooling', and we're ALL snow cones. As simple, as ABC Dead! You can deny it. You can put on your 'Billy Bob' hat and descend to 'beer heaven'...or, you can do what I do, when I want to get a weather report. I check my 'weather rock'.

So, 'piss on it', if you don't believe me, and have 'a wet, yellow day'!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: weather rock, google pic

Prison Planet

I know, that you will 'not let me out', until, I quit 'beating the bars' take my jelly bean, drink your 'kool aid' and fuck off! But what happens, when we begin to 'bend the bars'...millions of us? That's what you're preparing for...correct?

I believe it is possible, to overcome 'any system of obstacle', by will alone'. We are imprisoned, not by the system...but by 'our own mind', within the matrix. we are 'poured' within a mold, and left to cure. When we 'break the mold'. we are complete.

I will seek no space to rage, but here...within my own, that house you cannot take, that land you cannot own, that mind, where I am free...that heart...where 'I am home'. But from time to time, you will 'still' hear from outrageous bastards!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: A Gorilla called King Kong, Pata Zoo, India, Photo: Bronek Kaminski

The Air Apparent

It's daunting. These lying bastards, contending, for public trust, in the form of follower's and votes, can lobby for hundreds of millions of fill their campaign chests, and GET IT! On the other hand, I tell the truth, as I know it to be...and I waver, between 87 and 89 follower's, on social media...and I'm not asking for 'one red cent'.

To me, it is 'shamefully' living proof, people would rather be told a lie...than a truth. So you get what you get and you get 'screwed', over and over again. You whine and you bitch and you moan...but you wont 'support' the truth, and you don't support 'the truth tellers'.

You support a 'simulacrum' thereof, but that's not 'the real thing', and THAT, to me, is further proof...that 'PEOPLE ARE IN ON THE LIE!'. They would rather live their paltry existence out, in a form of 'slavery' and imprisonment; receiving a kind of 'jelly bean', or 'dog biscuit' than break from the old paradigm...and be free.

As long as they 'get the hit'...they keep their mouths shut, and 'go on aching'. What a system! It just 'floors' me, that it works. But it really takes 'raisin size nuts', on the lot of humanity, to keep it well. You are as feckless, and false to yourselves, for your dogs are to wolves. You hear 'the howl', but you deny 'the call'.

Why do I love you so? I don't fuc'n know. It's a mystery to me. I can look you in the eye and, see... your sadness, your distress and your lie. You look at me, with 'anger' and fierceness and resolve to continue, with what you can no longer that 'shield' will work anymore. I can read your mind.

This is my 'air' for the hour. I will offer more 'gas' later.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: about says it all, google pic

Can We Talk, In America?

Though, I led a 'cheer'...I could just as soon, pour the beer, upside down...into the gutter. A country is as great, as the way it treats its 'indigenous ' people. This confrontation, between Native American's, and supporters, and The Federal Government, and their contingent of Energy/Oil a 'test' of the respect our country holds, for 'the indigenous tribes' of North America.

Standing Rock is a symbol, of everything 'bully, about the government and 'corporate' interests, pushing their way ahead, despite the cry's and concerns of the ordinary folk. What is happening, currently, at 'Standing Rock'...shows 'no respect', on the part of  The Government of The United States...just 'business as usual'; and since President Elect Trump, 'is business'...I wonder, that ANYTHING will change, at all. If it does...I'll be amazed.

So, let me be amazed. MAKE US ALL AMAZED, IF IT'S IN YOU! In future, my concern for Earth and her creatures, will be revealed through my posts and poetry. Our governments 'concern', will be revealed, as usual, through their actions...or 'failure to act'. But things MUST change, toward consideration of 'natural resources', 'non renewable resources', and 'the environment'...if any are to live, on this planet.

Mr. Trump. YOU ARE A BILLIONAIRE, many times over. You have no need of 'more money'. You are surrounded by 'greedy interests' seeking to PAVE THE WORLD OVER, with selfishness. I know, you have the strength, to tell them...NO! Just, no. Enough is enough. Rather, listen to your constituents. They put you there, as much as your money machine, and your 'secret society's.

Lend an ear to the people, or lose your ass, in the landslide of 'realization', that you are, also, just another 'disappointing fixture' of the status quo. Make us PROUD, Mr. President. We don't need any more BULLSHIT! You seem to speak your mind. LET US ALL! It's about time.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming New Mexico

Art: Donald Trump, being pic

Friday, November 25, 2016

Cheer For The Chief

I don't know, if this newly elected hope, has brass balls, or frozen...if he's fearless, or unconscious. He has clawed his way, to the center of the world. Now, he's there...surrounded by legions, treason's, liar's and bias ...a miasma, of sordid 'goings on'.

How can he trust anyone, with business? Did he know something, going in? Is there 'something', they haven't told us...the ranks of the 'fickle'y informed'? Is there anyone, without a doubt, as to...what's 'really' going on?

He must have a plan of his own. He wouldn't dare, not have one...for somewhere, along the line, when it all goes wobbly strange, and a furball's laying on the a 'rabbit foot' sign. He must have a plan, or, is he winging it, with 'Scottish cheek', and nothing under that?

If that man, is 'whistling in the dark' I pray...those mighty angels, will protect him there, throughout his time. His Secret Service 'bristles'. They will have to. They will have to use 'fey' eyes, they never had before, to guard 'this Gaelic son'...from a short tenure.

I think, we all stand watch, mayhap, our greatest watch...upon the ramparts there, to save the 'one fine thing'  that's come to a long long dark. Our 'Camelot' was crushed, decades ago, our tower's fallen down, the whole world 'pushed around', by forces that we can't control...nor fully understand.

Now, here's 'a Chief'', to lead us, if he a good way, taking ALL in hand, with all the 'secret doorways', to him, open in the land...naught, to really say him 'nay', but snowflakes falling down...that aimed to bring 'the silence, of forever, to a triumph...'fore, he ever changed a thing.

A lifted glass, a 'cheer' to you, Mr. President...a chance for the world, and 'the good old USA!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Standing stones of Scotland, google pic

Got My Own Rock N Roll

What shall we do, a 'PBS'? A studied voice, in 'erudite'...a language that they taught themselves, to 'fake', the stiff and phoney news...for 'clowns', conservatively bent?

Or, shall we have a 'Mon talk', braced by 'gimlet gins', and piss tasting...hard green olives, over 'martini's'...with a 'Gilligan's Island' theme? What game shall we play, rat away the hours with lies, and 'nearly dead', inebriation? 

Maybe, Charley Rose, will rise from the grave, offer, his credential of, 'considered' opinion? Then, there's 'The Fox', 'The CNN', and 'ABC', and 'NBC', and 'SEEBS'. Oh, yes! That! Well, we have our 'News', officially, put. Unbelievable, yes?, what's happening on 'the boob'.

Then, I'm tasked...I'm asked to reveal, if I'm 'playing' with myself, et al? 'I'm bang'n rock and roll, on the edge of the world, and doing OK!'.  I yell! They know, that can't be true. They 'kill' me, every day...or they try, with their glib condescension, and their backs turned away.

I really am doing, OK.,,somewhere to go, and I'm going there, too. You'll see. A long long time, has waited for me. It wont be disappointed. All the crap, I've listened too, and waded through...will have been worth it. God knows, what he needs to do. I got my own 'Rock n Roll'.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art; rock and roll, google pic

Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Perfect People

On separate worlds, we live.  Though, both are blue, earth, sky, and water, in one ever turning do not exist; but for a 'bumper sticker' have memorized. Your sight, your sound, your mental state...'awareness wired' mannequin, without life.

In every sense, plastic...flawlessly perfect, as no creature really is. You bear a marked resemblance, to something true, as you every scene...where 'self' would be, yet, a lens is more aware. I follow you and watch, you clever thing.

You are cold to the touch, no binding human loyalty, no heart, or pain...nor experience of anything, in my world at all. Your glassy eyes look so...genuine. You peer at us, with promise, for an hour, wander off, to somewhere else...always with your perfect, form of fluid grace.

Appearances, aren't everything. Though, every man, and every woman you, in unbelieving awe, so finely tuned, is your machine of faux humanity. I don't believe, God made you...and I never will. You're 'almost' like the real stuff...but 'something's' off.

You are a 'rack' of  malleable dolls, looking good in any set, fully versed in conversation...with a hint of etiquette, always placed, on cue...before the richest men, to turn 'precisely' on a heel, flashing just the right amount of fine long leg. You have no story to tell.

Thus, mysterious and beautiful, mistaken for a lovely child, they follow you, and wonder, but you never were...a child...were you. What you are, I have no notion, but 'alive', oh, no...whatever, you've become, isn't life at are a very pretty doll, though. Have a nice...time? I'm sure you will.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: beautiful girl, google pic

Israel Is Burning!

Israel is burning, and the Arab's, are 'celebrating the fire'. Maybe, some 'alphabet bunch', to the west of there...set it off. But the Arabs are crazy! What the hell, is in your hateful minds...your mad dreams of heaven, at the cost of ALL our lives?

What did God not give you, in your desert paradise...that you must forsake, your brother's right to have a home...around Jerusalem? The whole world rages, and you hold the match, you Sheikh's of fortune, neath your hidden sands, God placed your treasure there...your city's set, as jewels in star like wonder...on your lands, yet, you are jealous of another's have a place, to stand?

Who are you? Dost thou, think thyself...'the whole'? What did God not give you, in your time...upon his sacred world? This is not God's wish, your God and mine...these things, that are amiss. This is a 'devil' in your midst, and he is HERE as well. Anyone with eyes to see, and ears to hear...and NOT possessed, by him, does know.

Are these the wisdom's of Ishmael, your father? Are these the things, he taught you how to do? Is there some 'breach', because, grandfather Abraham...set you, 'within the waste', and gave you ALL you have? What ails thee, son? What ails thee, there; that your tents are filled with poison, for the sons of men? Let us have a conversation, and bring these ancient an end.

For Earth be needing Peace, to heal her wounds...your figs be needing care, your children, at the water...bathing there...NEED THEIR FATHERS, more than power, or bloody vengeance. We worship ONE God, by many names. The CHIEFS of you, know this. Let there be an grief. Let 'the grievance' cease. Amen.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Dubai, United Arab Emirates, google pic

Inside The Light Bulb

Happy Thanksgiving! From, inside the light bulb.

Yes...stare at me, but don't say a word. I SEE YOUR MOUTHS MOVING! Do we live in a vacuum? Oh, wait...I do! Do I have a 'filament', for you. Your Turkey is's feathers smell, of the lies, and the're doing the indigenous people...up on the Dakota land, the 'oil slicks', the 'water injections', the 'brazen water cannons', in the freezing weather.


Now, that I have your attention, how about 'that election', as I watch 'The News', have an erection of negative views, about our new's a little turd, for 'lying' butt wipes. Get it 'straight' for once, and TELL THE TRUTH!, if it's in you too.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: burnt turkey, google pic

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Better Left Than Lonely

As long as there are 'pretty women', shall be men, Hell bent of will, to rot the give them what they want, to grant them anything, break any gnaw the bone of their taboo, in secret sinistry, so dark...they think, no one will see the things they do.

Fidelity, cannot survive 'a devil's tool. The wasp, that is your dream, is someone else's fool, and love will only play, then love will sneak away, at times of wolves astray, baying at another's door.

Your sheets will lay, anyone, but you. It isn't fair, that it's this way, but you were warned...for Kings and Cardinal's and Saints, have been a pretty woman's face. Are you so strong, to take it on yourself...for one warm kiss, one night of your nether parts?

The only thing, can hold, 'her satin self' is strength beyond a mortal power, and riches, well beyond your world...better left alone, these shores, where Siren's sing, than death of love and, death of hope and sadness, evermore.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Pretty Woman, Vanity Fair

The Seastar

Seaenen, seaenenemy, trusting in its star...lieing by the hour, purjering it's pride...while all the world watch, in awe...following its fall. 'The News', no longer, spews in error, 'painting' some mistaken fool. No! Now, they stuff the cannon's, full of 'anything', and blow it...all to hell.

Where  have the 'Edward Murrow's', and the 'Cronkite's' gone, to leave in place...these 'propaganda TOOLS', these lying 'broadcast cockatrice', that crown themselves with 'trophy's' endow their fame, that people may not realize...they're 'dickheads'...all the same.


As NBC goes ABC, as any naughty child, 'making up their tales'.You 'see BS', and challenge not, as guilty as they are themselves, these method's of 'untruthful orat'ry', and THIS, 'becomes America'? Like Hell! This must NOT be, this 'dreaming up, of anything' you please, to have your way, like nasty little brats...that, nation states and lives, fall to the dust...for your 'demented orchestr'y'.

WHERE ARE, THE LEADER'S OF OUR LAND, to let this stand, this 'mockery of truth'? Where are the 'gentry patriots', that hide in hollowed enclaves, to protect themselves, from culpability, from 'files' un-reddacted' the mainstream news?

It all goes round and round, one sinuous enactment...of a 'circle jerk', 'one rug', of woven thread...unraveling, and YOU WERE THERE...PULLING IT! Now, it's come undone...and what will be, will be 'magnificent'. For YOU will wither, naked, in the laser light of day...TO EVERYONE!

Your peers, will shun your deeds, your fathers, shamed and look away. Your honors, will decay and rust, from spit, upon 'your mention', till the world turn no more...from sheer disgust. Thus, 'TRUTH', shall be avenged, and words will once again...'ring pure'.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Labidiaster Radiosus, Seastar...Antarctic underwater, google pic

Real Power

It is said, and not lightly...'Real power, follows the money', money, representing 'the root' of all evil. I think we have been humped to the marrow, and screwed to the bone. It would seem so, at least...excepting, for 'one thing'. MONEY IS NOT THE ROOT, OF REAL POWER!

'Real Power', is coming, and has not a dollar...invested in your scheme, to fool such as are gullible to your 'art' of lies, your art of 'pedophilia', your art of corrupting...all that God designed. So, continue with your farce, and laugh...while you may, for must present yourself to he, who knows your art, better than yourself.

It is always said,,,'follow the money', if you wish to solve 'the crime'. Now, they have hidden the 'P', under the 'liberal' pod, now the 'conservative', now the liberal, now the conservative...same magic hands, faster than the eye...faster than the curve, of unminded men and women, attempting to 'sort' the devil's deviance out.

It isn't just the rape, or the murder of innocent, or even the wars...without cease, of 'sacrifice'. It is the collective 'horror of silence', on the parts of those involved, in this 'all seeing' spectacle, for the crowns and the suits, and prelates..., those, bound...'to protect and serve', the judges, rubes and pastors in the local churches...all have much to lose.

So, every mouth is shut, every 'soil' is sealed, every 'sin of degenerate whim', that infects this world...and rots it to the core...too shocking, is about to be 'revealed'. It will pale 'aliens', to the 'monsters you truly are'. 'Confession is good for the soul'. You will rest easier...after it is all out there, and you need more.

Your laundry, can't come clean...but 'black' resembles you. You see...'real power' FOLLOWED the money, to find every hidden hole, you 'spunky' devils partied in...and now, THE REAL POWER is here. BOO! Just, let it last crap, and piss your pants...and, 'sin no more'...that the world may heal.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: All Seeing Eye

Monday, November 21, 2016

TV History

The liberal left, and their 'lap dog' media, still haven't learned their lesson...still lying, as rapidly as a 'Gatling gun', using their 'free press' soap box, to hose down the President Elect, with 'hogwash.' They should be ashamed, but they show no sign, of diminishing their tactics of 'lie lie lie'.

I hear, they really got 'hosed' back, by 'the man' himself, at the Trump Tower, where he called them ALL out, for just what they are, all of them...'LIARS!' I guess, in the mind, of these morons...once you lie, and you have a proven track record of lying, and you are already on the stairway to 'the basement', you might just as well...continue, to LIE! Like, what the hell! Maybe, the devil has an 'anchor position'.

But, I hope...good people, you have seen enough, and are no longer the mouthpiece of shame, called 'Broadcast Journalism'. I would rather read 'smoke signals', than read the 'rags of news', or watch TV News media. I am so disgusted. It is just a spectacle, but it isn't new and it isn't 'news'.

This charade, has been going on, since televisions had tiny 'round screens'. For that matter, I doubt television news, is either liberal, or conservative. What it, more than likely a tool, used by the powers, behind politics and technology, to manipulate humanity.

Let's see. What could they be up to, this reality? How about this? Make us all so angry, we CRY, to remove 'free speech', to eradicate the broadcast system, to do away with a 'free press'. Once we do...we're screwed, just the way they want us...bottom's up. Toast!

We have to fix things, not eradicate things. Mark them, mark them, you recognize who they are. Separate them, from your honor and your work. Cast them out from you and seek others...more honest and loyal. Test THEM, for THEIR truth. Winnow the wheat. Separate the 'chaff.'

Stand not with liars, or for liars...for their treason, will rot a nation. Watch the 'News'. Watch it lie. Believe it not. But watch it. Beware, and believe in God only, and that within you...that honors him. Fight for your nation, to save its soul from lies. Fight, for this world, and its creatures...they are hoping, to destroy. Fight, people! Fight!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: google pic

Dad Used To Say

Dad, my hero, oft time, philosopher...wise man, 'seer' and prophet, used to say: "I hope they all go broke!"  Could you imagine?  Could you imagine 'money', worth no more than 'Confederate currency', or 'confetti'? By God, I can. It would hurt like hell. My life has always been one of 'scrambling' for change.

People, who 'had' a lot of money, wouldn't be caught dead, scrambling. But what if, you couldn't even scramble. What if the rich, along with all the other sorry sots, were no better off than third world country's? What if it was worse, and they were reduced to 'dumpster diving', to get a meal? It would be a hell of a 'change over', to some other system, or to 'reboot' a new and improved version of the old system.

But I think people would be foolish, to re-apply to the old slavery, of greed and the almighty dollar. People, however, are that foolish...and that desperate. If the governments of the world, collectively...cared a fig, for their constituents...they would create a 'better deal', a Star Trek economy', where 'replicators' stood at every venue, and supplied the need of every demand...for free!

After all, we now have 3-D Printers, in reality. How far is that from 'replicators'? Not far, to my view. Then humanity, might pursue a destiny, among the is the mission goal of The USS Enterprise. Of course, no one ever said...where the 'starbucks' came from, to build the whole Federation, and all of the ships and replicators.

I think, there's some rich guy, somewhere...who spews money out his orifices, from a hidden hoard of cash, like a 'McDonald's ATM gone mad, and it completely funds, a new space program, a new economic relief program, and a new 'prison ensemble' for the, previously rich and greedy. In short, it pays out, instead of sucking humanity dry. Now, there's a conception.

Then, we become philosophers, and 'imaginators', and creators of possibilities...beyond our present dreams...and we 'grow up', and drop war...and go, out there, third star to the right...or that pulsar, over yonder. We become 'as gods'...not, just the few...who think, they already are, but 'the many'...all for one, and one for all.

Hard things, proving to be of benefit...for everyone, is a necessity, whose time has matured. Not benefit for the few, who have this 'tidy plan' to rid the world of excess populace, but benefit by plan, to rescue the world, and all of its creatures.

Dad worked hard. He saved a few bucks. He always valued 'land'. He would not have been HOA approved, but he loved the Earth in her natural state, without lipstick of 'iron', and cosmetic cream of 'asphalt'. He would not have taken the hammers, out of the hands of builders, to be replaced by 'nail guns', and robots.

He said, "fences make good neighbors, and privacy is a 'territorial right', or, by God...I'll tear your face off!" I may have added a word or two there. He was right, about everything...and I'm proud to be his son. If he were here, he would take this world in hand...but, he's coming! Make no mistake.

'Freedom's just another word, for nothing left to lose." Instead of taking EVERYTHING away from a man, GIVE HIM SOMETHING TO BUILD! Make him FEEL like a man, instead of some 'skanky pussy', admiring his biceps in a mirror. Is that so hard, for you to do?  There's work to do, let's get it done.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico
Lyric: from "Me and Bobby McGee, by Janis Joplin
Art: google pic

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Out of Orion

For a long time now, the Roman Church, Astronomical observatories, and 'interested parties', around the globe...have been peering into heavens depths, looking for 'something'...rather more like, 'tensely awaiting something'...especially, surrounding the region of the constellation, 'Orion'. I would even declare, 'they sweat', as they watch.

Meanwhile, 'the near heavens', out to around 300 miles, distant from Earth, have been 'mined', with a veritable picket fence, of military satellites and assorted 'space junk', from our civilization's sorties into 'the vacuum'. Why? Why are there thousands of satellites, under 'deep cover' of weather, and of science, spinning around up there? You would almost think...they expect a visit, from someone they don't want to see...or, at the very least...'early warning', to wear their very best 'facade'.

Meanwhile...'down to earth. rumors run rampant...of 'full disclosure', of the 'alien reality'...governments, around the world have been suppressing, or denying...for years. Rumors run the gamut, from saucer bases in Antarctica, to aerial testing of UFO craft at 'Area 51', to Wright Patterson Air base, where supposed 'alien remains' were taken...after a famous crash of a UFO or two in Roswell 1947. 'Hints', of some mysterious 'Project Blue Beam', hidden deeply in 'the black budget', to convince humanity, of an alien presence.

These are all, but...vapors, considering the strength of the evidence, or 'lack', thereof. But out there...around 'Orion'. What worries them so? What, coming, out of that quarter of space, that pressures even the prelates of 'the Roman Church'? If indeed, 'something cometh'...why point a gun at it? Why welcome it with a withering array of military technology, and DARPA weaponry?

Is 'the truth', so hard to kill, or is this just our worlds way, to send a 'scattershot' welcome', to visitors from across heaven? I have a thought, maybe 'swamp gas, maybe butt gas. Based, upon my experience of this worlds clandestine activities, and 'scurrying preparedness' over my lifetime. They are indeed 'expecting'. A drama unfolds, where 'The Fedated Law', of heaven itself...rides hard toward earth.

'Hidey holes', listening posts and 'hardened bunkers', for the elite, are prepared to receive the 'fat bank accounts' of the masters ruling over the children of Earth. When 'they' arrive, the only 'asses', hanging out...will be ours. I think it's going to be a 'pee your pants' moment. But I think, 'the elite' will be 'crapping' theirs. I think 'the cavalry' is coming...out of ORION. If it's not the cavalry, I hope to be 'eaten quickly...with a little chiante'.

We feel, we are alone...on a wee world of water and life, turning about a yellow sun. We wonder of other life...out there. We believe in devils, but most have forgotten God, and wouldn't know him...if he drew a new name...on our forehead...'Dick'. But he's there, and a highly disproportionate amount of scientific grant money, has been convince us...he's not. He's there, and he's coming...and all his angels with him.

Don't embarrass yourself, Earth...with a great show of resistance. Instead, try to have your heart ready to meet him, and bow low and humbly.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: The Galactic Federation, by Hiroyuki Satou

Unforgettable Quotes

As my dad used to say..."Keep a stiff upper lip, and a tight asshole!" I think that's exceptional advise. I started hearing that, when I was but a wee lad, and thought it was quite funny. Now it makes perfect sense, and isn't funny at all.

When I'm not so busy, answering comments, and counting up 'likes'...I come up with stuff like this. If you wish me to disdain, leave some comments, 'positive', please...and I will be too busy to digress. Cheers:-)

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: google art

Deus Ex Machina

You ever notice, all these Herald's of doom,go..."Fear gold!", "Fear this...stock up!", "Fear my book!" , and they enrich themselves, off the fear of others, because, they own the gold, they own the 'freeze dried food packets', and they are in it with a 'publishing house of fear porn'? We buy it, because...we fear.

Now, a week after the election...these same damnable powers, are posting and publishing 'fear-fo-mercials' about Trump's 'Cabinet choices', and 'foreign policies', and 'defense plans' enrich their side's control of everything. The continual 'tug of war' and special interest, continues...unabated, and yet...the world is still here. Apocalypse has not yet happened, at the west.

As long as a dollar can be squeezed from 'fear, fear will be used to squeeze us all, for everything we have left. BELIEVE THEM NOT, because none of them know when the end will be...even though they continue to manufacture ways and end it. In actuality...they, with their crazy eyed dreams and seats of power...don't control anything. All they can control, is perception. If you believe it...they've got you.

It's a kind of 'magic', real magic...'State Craft'. It's been around a long time. It's why Hospitals and research into diseases, like Cancer...keep getting bigger and richer, while Cancer never really cured. 'There shall be wars and rumors of war'. They control the 'perception' of things. They make you think things. They make you 'assume, and consume. They make you buy this and try that, and...while they themselves, drink 'divine wine', smoke illicit 'Cuban cigars', and 'dope to die for'...they regulate the ordinary people OUT of 'illumination'.

The last thing they want, is for you to know anything. They control, by fear. So, don't expect a miraculous change in the 'status quo'. It will be a 'right handed' administration, and it will hurt. It will hurt a lot of liberal causes. But it will hurt them, because...they were so sneaky and double dealing and underhanded, that a conservative administration, needed to come reverse the course, and rebalance the ledger, against criminality.

Now, it will be excess on 'the right', instead of the left...but some things will get better. Now, we have to learn to do a different dance, for a few years. Humanity must evolve, beyond their masters. They must become wise, and honest with themselves. As long as they are dishonest...they will remain victim, of a political machine...that just grinds them to hamburger. It's a two party system, but it's ONE beast.

Make no mistake. It's a machine having many parts, and the elite are 'the cogs', the gears, and they all agree together. Every machine has weakness. Beware the 'monkey wrench', and that will hurt more, but that will bring the beast to a halt. Stand away from it...when that happens. They say, 'when aliens attack' we will all be one people. I say, they are already here, and they built the machine. They will only leave off, when we do, in fact, become one.

The trick of it is, and the hell of it is...they are 'masters of division'. Humanity must learn to take them apart,,,instead of the other way around. We must unite under one cause, to be free of the beast...but when we are, don't expect a Starbuck's latte, every morning, or a supermarket or a mall to go show off in, or anything of convenience.

That is why they have you...because, in know perfectly well, and better than this lying system works, but you don't want to miss 'the latte's', and the malls, and the 'convenience stores. So, you abide in the habit, you have become familiar with, and until 'it breaks on its own, you will suck of it, and sup with it, and sleep with it, and bitch and moan...of how, you yearn to be free of it...and life and death go on.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Deus Ex Machina-god wiki

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Happy Holidays

What if you are, 'yourself?' That's not particularly wonderful, or attractive...or even friendly. You love people. They don't love you back. You wave at everybody. They think you're a retard. You do what you can for people. It's never enough for them. You can't do much. They call you a cheapskate. You try to do more, they tell have to do for yourself, no one's gonna do for you.

You don't like people very much. You take away from yourself, to give others a hand up...they take the hand, your knee cap, and spit in your face. They ask to use your phone...they run up a bill. They ask for a ride somewhere. They take you completely out of your way. They smoke in your car, shit in your ashtray, slam your door at the curb...and forget to say thank you. You give a buck to a bum...they ask for a five. You say, you haven't got it...they call you a bum.

You gotta pack for a move...fourth day of're done, neighbor drops by...can I help you with anything, he says? You say, "he could have four days ago." He says, "I noticed that lawn furniture in the taking it?" "Nah, I'm burning it." He says, "You don't make many friends, do you?"

I don't 'get' people. I never have. I don't know what makes them tick. I don't even know if they are people. Are they 'challenges?' They are to me. What else are they? Total assholes, as far as I can determine. Does it change me? Not for the worse. It makes me stronger. No, they don't get the credit, for being an asshole. I get the credit for being patient and kind, helpful and helpless sots, whose total pleasure, is making others suffer more than themselves.

Mom used to tell me, "They're jealous." Nah, they're just losers...and until they break out of it, they always will be. I don't give away, as much as I used to. I don't smile as much. I have no fewer friends. You can't have less than none.

I think I was put on this earth, to challenge people., and every time they see me, or hear my voice, or catch the mere suggestion, I am invokes their wrath, to rudeness, bad behavior, insolence, bitterness. I think, it's because, they see me in themselves, and they hate the fact, of the work they must do, and the ground they must catch themselves up.

I can't help them there. What they will not do for themselves, but are willing to allow another to do for just not 'me', anymore. So my gift to them, this holiday season is a big fat 'squat'. Do the work, if you want the grace. By the way, you can't earn it, but you're not gonna get it from me...for nothing. No more blessings, for a curse.

There are people out there trying, people giving all that they see other people have, even if they have nothing. Often times, these 'giving' people suffer much, and in the end are called 'fools' for their effort. They are called fools, by fools. But they are no fools...and their reward will come. WILL come. So, it isn't that I have forgotten you, or don't care about you, or consider you a waste of's just that, time is running out...and I can't be more specific. I wish you the best.
Happy Holiday's.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: google art

Friday, November 18, 2016

If The Cards Are Marked

We were not given choices. I've said it, so often. They only needed us to 'legitimize' the game...a game that cannot be won. We were given 'incomplete data, to which...we must force a decision. There was an evil, and a potential. An accurate sum could not be posted. It was 'the new math'. Common Core. Who dreamt that up? Now...we know, don't we? It wasn't the conservative side of the roster...or was it?

When answers cannot be summed up, but are forced, by be answered...are we to 'jump' to a conclusion? Are we to resign our mental process, to become a 'tabula rasa' for a rubber stamping system, a regime that never changes...but remains 'crooked' all the time, and on both sides of the aisle? Has it all been a 'setup', an attack on our election process...just another, of the new math's 'tricks of division'?

I support President Elect Trump, not because of his 'total transparency, because he is not that, but because, he 'appears' to talk from a visceral heart, a place of feeling and spontaneity. It could almost be termed 'truth, by the sound of it. I am personally in doubt...the system of law and government can be corrected. In reality, there are 'factions', behind every bush, taking aim at Thanksgiving and Christmas, the 'swearing in ceremony', and beyond.

The turkey has already been read 'the last rites', while the status quo, is dead as a door nail...except in some 'fantasy chat room'. It is becoming ever and ever more certain, to the heart of 'angst', that if this small sliver of chance, fails our people, our people...might have to resort to measures...more desperate. I don't believe our people have 'the high ground', and I don't believe, our government is merciful. However...if it comes to it, I believe, our people, have the take it apart, and 'clean the clock'.

We see the road ahead, with 'a wall'. We see robots being built to take our jobs...every last one of them. We see the body bags and coffins on empty lots, behind cyclone fencing. We see the great white jets, above our heads...dropping chemical dust. We see our leaders gathering to clandestine meetings, behind closed doors. We hear lies and we see evidence...evidence that just...'vanishes'.

So, for now...I support my decision to bear on, with our newly elected President, but I am watching. I am watching his choices of cabinet members, of White House staffers...of appointments to the highest places of power, and I encourage ALL OF YOU, to do so, as well. I wanted to be a poet, not a political activist. I wanted to retire, to a life of easy chairs and chicken egg gathering. I wanted to sip a few tequila's, and pass away in better dreams.

I think, we are all being 'knocked into a cocked hat',  in order, to defeat the aims and dreams of our nation...and that's a problem. I do not insult God, further, begging unwarranted blessings. We screwed that pooch. I do ask God, to overlook the lies, and the shame of this country's immaturity. I pray for a 'clean' chance...a redemption for all, from its folly. Suffering a resounding NO! to that...I pray God lift us to a better place, than hatred and lies...and false hubris.

If I catch a sniff of a recurrence of some 'fascist Reich', in the manner of our 'chosen one', or his...any small clue at all...I pray, the power in remove it from the Earth, as if it never were.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: google art
