Thursday, November 10, 2016

Post Normal

About two decades ago, 1995 or 6, I was working for a bus company in the mid coastal city of San Luis Obispo, California. The Polytechnic University there, does not evoke sympathy to liberalism, as the campus architecture looks like 'nuclear hardened blast protection', from...what? It's all 'early concrete fortress, done in chic 'grey dismal'.

The coffee shops and book stores off campus, were doing a brisk business. I frequented several, along my routes...daily. You get a feel for 'movements', revolutions, after you've gone through one or two of them. The anti war peace movement, of the 60's was my first. So, I recognized 'something happening here'...a recurring theme in my jottings and maunderings. The liberal angst'y fragile 'types' were moving in, hogging the stools and planting their faces in their novel new laptops...not speaking to, or acknowledging anyone.

Then, their antennae began wriggling, their 'coiffed' beat hair styles, with tight ass pants and slim ankle access...all unisexual, belied the earlier movement, I was more familiar with, where long flowing hair and loose and open bell bottoms were the 'in' thing. These were 'tight ass' liberals, so tight, they squeaked. This was not a 'one off'. This was a movement.

They had causes, but they were all flawed causes, kind of harsh and bleak, like a beatnik cross dressing to a conservative. It had a 'feeling'. The feeling was 'authoritarian' with a dash of 'icky', sticky gooey...'something' you wouldn't want to touch with a stick. It was a 'Frankenstein  monster' seeking a head. It was built of all kinds of rejected parts, like a fascist ensemble of  'what the fucks'. It walked like a duck and talked like a politically correct 'green lesbian', or a 'save the environment gay guy, dancing around a rainbow.

They hated nicotine. I a stack. They 'loved' their latte's. What the hell is a latte??? Pretty soon, you didn't feel like stopping for coffee. Now, everyone's wearing black, about 97, pathetic pieces of shit...talking 'piercings' and 'tats'...goth's with 'toods', like the flu with a dash of cold sweat...tanless disappointment. By 98 they had found 'a head'. Don't ask me where, but they found one, to rally around and it began waxing political.

Lo and behold, it got into democracy, and took hold, becoming 'so called democracy', anti god, anti christ. Oh, they were way to genius to acknowledge God! That was way too passe. They were deep into new versions of pretend now, neo hippies, neo everything, neo fascists...with Silicon Valley credentials, and Apple executive apparel of 'dressing down', so as to comfort the rabble. Musn't jolt the world with 'genius', you know., as everything started being branded with 'I' this and 'E' that and 'smart' this and smart that...and buttons on all devices got smaller and smaller and pricier and pricier, and no one can fix anything now, not a car, not a coffee pot, not a clock, not a cock...not a love affair.

Democracy started looking more and more like, what it had advanced and 'techy' form of authoritarian facism, where privacy, your privacy... dissappears, to be replaced by their back door and front door spying devices. 'Three letter acronyms' became buzzwords for the 'neo-reality'. The devils started coming out front. You got to see their evil 'slitty iris's', their 'horny horny horns', and the shadow government began to become all.

CIA, FBI, NSA were in our faces 24/7 and the liberals of the Democratic Party, were all over themselves about how wonderful the new 'transparency' was. Now we had a 'blackhouse' instead of a 'whitehouse', and we had a media controlled by government, lying to us and fabricating 'false flag' events, and an election coming up...after 8 frikk'n years of 'political correctness', unisexual homosexuals, and 'transparency for whom'?

We were just tired of it. I guess the outpouring of hearts, became votes, and they voted their grief, and they voted you out...liberals. Now, you are wandering the streets of major liberal cities, aimless and pointless...because, once again you have 'lost your head' and know not where to find another. Well...Boo Hoo! You were used! How does it feel? It feels like WE THE PEOPLE feel. It feels like shit.

But, you'll get over it,'ll slit your wrists, because you're such a bunch of  weak pussies. Get a grip! Go on, or no one will care. It's called 'living', in this world, you helped to screw to the bone. So, where's the beef? Have a nice day. Google 'how to use toilet paper'...assholes!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: google pic

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