Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Change We Were Looking For

First of all, I would like to congratulate our new President, Donald Trump. He has a hell of a mess on his hands now, to clean up in the months and years ahead. I hope the nation supports him, embraces him and helps him to accomplish the good things he will set out to do. The calls and mail are already filtering in from leaders around the world, desirous to make peace, with this man. They sound hopeful, as are all, who wish a better world and a healing of this divided nation.

To those, who just 'cannot have their cake and eat it too', and who say, they will leave our country because Trump was elected. Bon Voyage, and good riddance! You took what was good and ruined it. You certainly did not expect hope to rise...nor, ever...hope to win. You were selfish, self conceited, arrogant and wrong in too many ways to count here. You colluded, manipulated and were criminal in every way, and that is why you lost.

Now, as demagogues of liberal agenda, ragheads and 'caucus suckers' flee to the ends of the earth...knowing full well, the parties the media gainsay themselves, and second guess, and blame themselves for...what? Collusion? Every one of the pundits, the pollsters, the mouthpieces...who are, laughably, called journalists...kept asking themselves, 'on stage'..."What did we do wrong? Why didn't we see this coming? They identified themselves as 'liberals, in it with the Democratic machine.

What happened to the good old 'unbias'd days, when a newsman or woman, a journalist...was just reporting the news, instead of 'making it up? I hope, with this new man for President...this country will heal from total emasculation, regrow some balls and display the courage, to once again...face the future, even if it is unknown. I for one, feel more secure with him, than without him. He is far from 'political correctness', and that can't be a bad thing.

Perhaps now, now that America has received one last redemption, we the people can look on it as a gift of god, and cherish it and care for it, and thank god. Maybe, just maybe, we can get a manageable hand on these young punks, declaring themselves 'geniuses', who wish to rid us of god, of morals, and of responsibility for our actions, and kick their 'poopy assed' pants all the way to Antarctica.

We are tired of your bullshit, out here in 'non-college educated rural America.' You were all so busy 'humping' each other with your 'polls', you didn't see this one coming...did you? My take. Congratulations, America! You won...for a change! Enjoy a bright new day!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Donald Trump, President Elect 2016, google pic

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