Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The News

The 'News', has chosen to tag the Trump win, as 'populism', or a win for the common people, the disenfranchised...the 'unwashed', of the nation. They further warn, and villainise populism; as being a 'radical' and unstoppable force...capable of great harm, if unchecked. Well, hell...isn't any force, unchecked, likely to create great harm?

But is this new populist conservatism, any worse than the clandestine, lying, manipulating liberalism...it just defeated? I think not. It is the result of the strategy of a flawed and criminal media...a media, willing to sell out the common folk, to suit their own ends and elect their own champions. The 'News' created the beast...if it becomes a beast.

It is all, simply a result of journalism's connivance, and the past eight years of failure and infighting, by the two major parties, lobbyist's and interests nationally and internationally...to control the outcomes of everything, because why? Because, it never trusted the rights in our Constitution, or WE THE PEOPLE, to get it correct.

Because lobbyist's run amok in Washington, and Congressional hogs belly up to the bar...never allowing 'term limits', that others might favor our nation, with fresh ideas, and a cease of failed ideologies...and something deeper...something 'odious', in our Executive branch and it's freedom to stack the deck, using the highest court in our land, and to exhonorate, the unforgivable...in order to 'stop short', justice.

It has ALL been a fix for years and it needs a 'rooting', in the worst way, from the top down. The rats and roaches are even now, fleeing...in every direction, attempting to avoid their 'come upance'. Once, in a great long while, the same way hens, laying brown eggs...begin laying 'white ones', there comes a day and a new champion...as if, by strike of lightning, to REALLY change things...to trump a marked deck, and renew a nations odds against losing, and to increase treason's odds against winning.

I, for one...'a common folk', am willing to chance our Constitution, and our voting system...both popular and electoral, to raise our choices for President of the United States of America, and I am for scrutinizing and terminating the ability of anyone attempting to subvert our laws, our freedoms, or rights to suit their own selves. I am for arresting, and trying and convicting those who have done so...and using the very laws, they attempted to subvert...to bring justice upon them.

President Elect Trump, feels we do not need newly written laws, to obfuscate the old, but to use the original laws wisely and certainly...to carry out the order of law...and finish the thing. I agree. We need to clear the brush, to see the trees...and the treason, and further...we do not need foreign worshipper's of a devil's religion, dictating terms on our own worship. Practice as you please...so long as it harms none, and do not shove it down a farmers throat. It just wont wash anymore.

You liberals, so politically conscious and 'correct'. You made this happen.  You made the inevitable necessary. In order to save our union, the people had to oust the real villain. You caused an awakening, just not in the way you had planned. Now that the people are awake...they will 'look into', all the shady doings of the last many years. Perhaps, needed light will shine on 9/11 and other portentous dates, that were never fully and properly explained.

I know this...if nothing else; the soul of our nation will never rest until the ground is turned, and the bones of all buried truth are revealed. This goes for the slaves, upon whose backs, this country was made rich, the imprisonments and deaths of our Native American cultures, the assassinations of our great leaders, causing this country sorrow, the desecration's of our highest ideals of God and spirit and family, that were forsaken, and given over to devil's.

These will all be turned over, by forensic teams of  righteous, and the air will be cleared at last. Division and hearts will heal, and the Earth will not perish...nor her creatures. Remember, Mob's also carry torches to see their way. But if, this is the light of a 'witch hunt', it is also wrong. Be ordered and calm and thorough...in your doings, for them to be justified. The god, so many have failed to support...is watching you. Ask not a blessing, on a cursed act. Speak in truth always.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: living the native life, Spirit Warrior, google art

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