Sunday, November 13, 2016

Trump Card

trump:  a decisive overriding factor or final resource —called also trump card. Source: Merriam Webster.

We don't know, but we have all heard the trumpet sounds, around the world...evoking this news, and now it has happened...a miracle, of unprecedented proportion. 
The cake that was baked to celebrate the downfall of light and good and hope, in our nation...has fallen flat, and 'great was the fall of it'. Because of it, the lot of all people...may improve. 
I watch the shameful, and imbecilic actions of the liberal left...running, hiding, throwing 'the finger', yearning and crying and bitching for a way out...short of suicide, from the truth they so carefully hid; for they had lied...and still do, every moment of every hour. 
What you do not know...yet, is that their game was, and is, bigger than you can imagine. You could not get your head around, their ultimate enslave us all. But you were dead, and now, you are alive...forever least, insofar as you are 'aware'. 
This is YOUR wake up call! Use it as you wish, but use it well...for hell watches over your shoulder...whispers in your ear. Here is your chance to save our world, redemption is at hand...NOW! Thank God, for what has come, and shed no false and fraudulent tear...that your devil had not won.
Take heart in 'change', as you had promised...years ago, but this time, act it out, in favor of those only paid 'lipservice' too, and make sure you do...for YOU are being watched, as well.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico
Art: google pic

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