Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Fiddling Devil

So much for Peace, and Love, and Green, and Gay. This is who they REALLY are...spoiled, entitled, privileged BRATS!, out on the 'mean streets', making them more mean...sowing dissension, cursing the ground, burning the flag, and spitting on 'the rule of law', they so pretended to uplift and major cities, across the USA.

They are sore LOSER'S, but not 'snowflakes'. These are not snowflakes, doing this. These are battle hardened soldiers, for the left...bought and paid for, by the powers behind this latest iteration of democracy, the neo-media, neo-fascist entities...lurking in the shadow of big money. It takes money and organization, to organize, and so well orchestrate...such dances of hatred and dis-harmony.

This is not anger. This is strategy, and the player's are a'many. It isn't properly 'the left', either. It is as 'far right', as one can extremely get, without turning left. These are not communist agencies, but fascist. As a matter of detail, it never was purely fascist or communist...left or right of center, but powers within the ranks, who hold no allegiance to such terms, but do the bidding of another, or others...those devils that divide us.

It is the 'same old tired tactics'...always. Divide and conquer, spin the news, spin the game...cheat to never was a game to them. That's why the major league ball games, are lately getting such low ratings. 'Winning is everything', IS NOT EVERYTHING! Your audience is watching. Your fans have caught on, AND ARE LEAVING! Your sponsors detest you...even your sponsors. Even money hates you.

You have killed the soul of the game, and in every have killed 'the soul of the game'...even, the 'theater of war'. People are sick of you...cheating bastards, holding no loyalties, no higher reasons than chaos and mayhem, confusion and division. YOU ARE NOT OF US, and it has become obvious to most. You alone, will be visible on the field...soon, and you will be watched, and known as all withdraw and turn from you disgusted and ashamed.

In all things, truly...the final confrontation has arrived. It is only left, to 'mop up' the slime, and your allegiances. Leave our President Elect alone. Harm him not. He won the game, fair and square...against all odds, against treason, without high places. He is not yours. Let him reign, and let him rule...his hour in the sun, see what he can do...without your blasphemous 'fiddling'.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: The devil went down to Georgia, by Mitch Brown

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