Friday, November 18, 2016

If The Cards Are Marked

We were not given choices. I've said it, so often. They only needed us to 'legitimize' the game...a game that cannot be won. We were given 'incomplete data, to which...we must force a decision. There was an evil, and a potential. An accurate sum could not be posted. It was 'the new math'. Common Core. Who dreamt that up? Now...we know, don't we? It wasn't the conservative side of the roster...or was it?

When answers cannot be summed up, but are forced, by be answered...are we to 'jump' to a conclusion? Are we to resign our mental process, to become a 'tabula rasa' for a rubber stamping system, a regime that never changes...but remains 'crooked' all the time, and on both sides of the aisle? Has it all been a 'setup', an attack on our election process...just another, of the new math's 'tricks of division'?

I support President Elect Trump, not because of his 'total transparency, because he is not that, but because, he 'appears' to talk from a visceral heart, a place of feeling and spontaneity. It could almost be termed 'truth, by the sound of it. I am personally in doubt...the system of law and government can be corrected. In reality, there are 'factions', behind every bush, taking aim at Thanksgiving and Christmas, the 'swearing in ceremony', and beyond.

The turkey has already been read 'the last rites', while the status quo, is dead as a door nail...except in some 'fantasy chat room'. It is becoming ever and ever more certain, to the heart of 'angst', that if this small sliver of chance, fails our people, our people...might have to resort to measures...more desperate. I don't believe our people have 'the high ground', and I don't believe, our government is merciful. However...if it comes to it, I believe, our people, have the take it apart, and 'clean the clock'.

We see the road ahead, with 'a wall'. We see robots being built to take our jobs...every last one of them. We see the body bags and coffins on empty lots, behind cyclone fencing. We see the great white jets, above our heads...dropping chemical dust. We see our leaders gathering to clandestine meetings, behind closed doors. We hear lies and we see evidence...evidence that just...'vanishes'.

So, for now...I support my decision to bear on, with our newly elected President, but I am watching. I am watching his choices of cabinet members, of White House staffers...of appointments to the highest places of power, and I encourage ALL OF YOU, to do so, as well. I wanted to be a poet, not a political activist. I wanted to retire, to a life of easy chairs and chicken egg gathering. I wanted to sip a few tequila's, and pass away in better dreams.

I think, we are all being 'knocked into a cocked hat',  in order, to defeat the aims and dreams of our nation...and that's a problem. I do not insult God, further, begging unwarranted blessings. We screwed that pooch. I do ask God, to overlook the lies, and the shame of this country's immaturity. I pray for a 'clean' chance...a redemption for all, from its folly. Suffering a resounding NO! to that...I pray God lift us to a better place, than hatred and lies...and false hubris.

If I catch a sniff of a recurrence of some 'fascist Reich', in the manner of our 'chosen one', or his...any small clue at all...I pray, the power in remove it from the Earth, as if it never were.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: google art

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