Monday, November 21, 2016

TV History

The liberal left, and their 'lap dog' media, still haven't learned their lesson...still lying, as rapidly as a 'Gatling gun', using their 'free press' soap box, to hose down the President Elect, with 'hogwash.' They should be ashamed, but they show no sign, of diminishing their tactics of 'lie lie lie'.

I hear, they really got 'hosed' back, by 'the man' himself, at the Trump Tower, where he called them ALL out, for just what they are, all of them...'LIARS!' I guess, in the mind, of these morons...once you lie, and you have a proven track record of lying, and you are already on the stairway to 'the basement', you might just as well...continue, to LIE! Like, what the hell! Maybe, the devil has an 'anchor position'.

But, I hope...good people, you have seen enough, and are no longer the mouthpiece of shame, called 'Broadcast Journalism'. I would rather read 'smoke signals', than read the 'rags of news', or watch TV News media. I am so disgusted. It is just a spectacle, but it isn't new and it isn't 'news'.

This charade, has been going on, since televisions had tiny 'round screens'. For that matter, I doubt television news, is either liberal, or conservative. What it, more than likely a tool, used by the powers, behind politics and technology, to manipulate humanity.

Let's see. What could they be up to, this reality? How about this? Make us all so angry, we CRY, to remove 'free speech', to eradicate the broadcast system, to do away with a 'free press'. Once we do...we're screwed, just the way they want us...bottom's up. Toast!

We have to fix things, not eradicate things. Mark them, mark them, you recognize who they are. Separate them, from your honor and your work. Cast them out from you and seek others...more honest and loyal. Test THEM, for THEIR truth. Winnow the wheat. Separate the 'chaff.'

Stand not with liars, or for liars...for their treason, will rot a nation. Watch the 'News'. Watch it lie. Believe it not. But watch it. Beware, and believe in God only, and that within you...that honors him. Fight for your nation, to save its soul from lies. Fight, for this world, and its creatures...they are hoping, to destroy. Fight, people! Fight!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: google pic

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