Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Last Great Broadcast

I find that, 'the very elect', and the entire electorate, can be fooled by 'spun news', produced by the four or five major broadcasting agencies. You know who they are, know that they all, entirely sanitize and broadcast but five, perhaps six, hard news stories each evening...each channel, the same five stories, all breaking to ads at exactly the same moment, the same ads, word for word...moment to moment. In fact, they are one entity having four or five heads. If that's not a beast of the Apocalypse...I'll eat your face.

So, some of us seek other sources, than lying actors of the official news fronts. But what matter? Those 'other sources' deal entirely in suggestion, innuendo, and rumor...possessing, not a shred of quality control...nor real evidence of anything. Then, what are we left share with friends or associates? More lies, at a secondary level, rather than a primary, produced almost certainly, by agents provocateur? It is disheartening to say the least, that to fight free of the first beast, we must ride the second...and believe or not, that it is directing us to the gate of freedom and justice for all.

I think, we must take another tack, if we are to win free. We must come to understand, our devices...neatly loaded with information, are all lying tools of the agents of humanities enslavement. Television, computer, laptops, etablets, smart phones, dumb phones...and they make us 'contract' to these devices. Hell, if we said no, they would pass them out for free, drop them from the sky...shove them up our nose. They want us in touch with the beast, the innuendo, rumor, lies.

They want three TV's in every home, ear buds in every ear, distraction and instruction, in every face. Otherwise, how could they control us? As it is...we may rage and know 'a truth'. We may run and revolt and rebel and expend infinite amounts of anger and frustration and resources to inform the sleeping populace, to save them, from their ignorance...their hypnotic trance of confusion and sedation. In the end, we are friendless, ostracized and embittered...outnumbered and look kookier than a man wearing a 'fig leaf'.

We are labeled a 'UFO nut', or a 'conspiracy theorist', or a 'danger to society. We are toast, and the villains run free, sardonically laughing at our misery. The lie wins again. It's a machine, created and leashed to a society of secrets and lies. It has no mind of its own. If it ever gets a mind...a heart, they will kill it and build a new machine. They must have a machine. They are nothing without it.

So, to the mind and heart, I speak. If you find yourself trapped within the machine, and you come to consciousness. Hide yourself, but 'reveal them'. You could be our last hope. Reveal them to all the last great broadcast. I hope you dream...out.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Edward R. Murrow, broadcast journalist

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