Sunday, November 20, 2016

Out of Orion

For a long time now, the Roman Church, Astronomical observatories, and 'interested parties', around the globe...have been peering into heavens depths, looking for 'something'...rather more like, 'tensely awaiting something'...especially, surrounding the region of the constellation, 'Orion'. I would even declare, 'they sweat', as they watch.

Meanwhile, 'the near heavens', out to around 300 miles, distant from Earth, have been 'mined', with a veritable picket fence, of military satellites and assorted 'space junk', from our civilization's sorties into 'the vacuum'. Why? Why are there thousands of satellites, under 'deep cover' of weather, and of science, spinning around up there? You would almost think...they expect a visit, from someone they don't want to see...or, at the very least...'early warning', to wear their very best 'facade'.

Meanwhile...'down to earth. rumors run rampant...of 'full disclosure', of the 'alien reality'...governments, around the world have been suppressing, or denying...for years. Rumors run the gamut, from saucer bases in Antarctica, to aerial testing of UFO craft at 'Area 51', to Wright Patterson Air base, where supposed 'alien remains' were taken...after a famous crash of a UFO or two in Roswell 1947. 'Hints', of some mysterious 'Project Blue Beam', hidden deeply in 'the black budget', to convince humanity, of an alien presence.

These are all, but...vapors, considering the strength of the evidence, or 'lack', thereof. But out there...around 'Orion'. What worries them so? What, coming, out of that quarter of space, that pressures even the prelates of 'the Roman Church'? If indeed, 'something cometh'...why point a gun at it? Why welcome it with a withering array of military technology, and DARPA weaponry?

Is 'the truth', so hard to kill, or is this just our worlds way, to send a 'scattershot' welcome', to visitors from across heaven? I have a thought, maybe 'swamp gas, maybe butt gas. Based, upon my experience of this worlds clandestine activities, and 'scurrying preparedness' over my lifetime. They are indeed 'expecting'. A drama unfolds, where 'The Fedated Law', of heaven itself...rides hard toward earth.

'Hidey holes', listening posts and 'hardened bunkers', for the elite, are prepared to receive the 'fat bank accounts' of the masters ruling over the children of Earth. When 'they' arrive, the only 'asses', hanging out...will be ours. I think it's going to be a 'pee your pants' moment. But I think, 'the elite' will be 'crapping' theirs. I think 'the cavalry' is coming...out of ORION. If it's not the cavalry, I hope to be 'eaten quickly...with a little chiante'.

We feel, we are alone...on a wee world of water and life, turning about a yellow sun. We wonder of other life...out there. We believe in devils, but most have forgotten God, and wouldn't know him...if he drew a new name...on our forehead...'Dick'. But he's there, and a highly disproportionate amount of scientific grant money, has been convince us...he's not. He's there, and he's coming...and all his angels with him.

Don't embarrass yourself, Earth...with a great show of resistance. Instead, try to have your heart ready to meet him, and bow low and humbly.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: The Galactic Federation, by Hiroyuki Satou

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