Friday, January 6, 2017

I Don't Kiss Rings

So, Trumps mother, is Mary. His father is Christ...but I don't believe he's Jesus. I don't believe Jesus will come from a house of gold. I don't know, who Trump thinks he is, but I am certain, there are a body of disciple's, who will swear...he has walked on water. 

He's good at his act, and he may even 'fool', the elect...but he hasn't fooled me, not yet, and not by a damn site! I believe in some things. I believe in Jesus, but that belief has been an 'iffy' and twisted road. It hasn't been easy, and it wasn't greased with pretty girls, and vaseline...and gobs of money. 

I know, there are many, prepared to receive Jesus, the Christ. I know, they would grab at anyone, with a convincing a drowning victim to a savior, and they would ride him 'like a raft'. I will wait, and see. I am already, somewhat dismayed in this 'President Elect's' choices for cabinet posts, but on the other hand...Jesus chose 'imperfect' men, as his disciple's. 

Wouldn't it be wonderful, if he were 'the real thing', and not just 'another', bad reality TV actor. I will wait, and see, but I would be satisfied 'to tears', for just a good honest, humble leader...of our poor torn nation. Maybe men are more drawn, to the notion of a 'close facsimile', of a real thing...than to a real thing itself. 

I suppose some might say, "Man, don't wait too long, you may miss the raft'. I would rather miss a flotilla of rafts, than choose unwisely, that 'the Christ', has come....For the false messiah, will lead many astray, and to their destruction. 

I hope for us all. I know the times to come, shortly, will test every one of us and what we are made of. I want to trust this man called 'Trump', and I know, many of you do. I guess it all boils down to cabbage and gas, and what's in you and in me, for truth and faith. 

Right now, I smell a 'bad odor' coming out of Trump, but maybe, that will pass. It isn't anywhere near, like we were actually given a choice of who to vote for, or who to support. It was just a 'button down bitch', or a 'big mouth cowboy', that shoots from the hp, and swaggers, better than John Wayne. 

Can't help but kinda like the guy!. But not to kiss his ring. No! Not yet!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Cardinal's receiving rings, from the Pope, google pic

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