Saturday, April 29, 2017

Apology Ology Ology

Science, the sciences...anthro-apologists, socio-apologists, archeo-apology, geology, zoology, paleontology...ology, ology, ology They find it. They tag it. They hide it. Until they have squeezed every last iota of value, from discovery.

Then, when they are quite certain of their 'cover story', they hold an exhibit...after say, 50 to 70 years, and they tell you what science 'believes' it's all about, about everything.They withhold much, repress more and spin the findings, faster than a top in a hock shop.

They've stolen so much, from so many countries. They suck it from the ground...'sideways', just like oil company pipelines and bishops on a chess board. Nothing is straight, or comes out straight, for as 'Indiana' showed us all...'it's not who it belongs to, but who gets it first!'

Well, I believe things too, and if I find it, I'm not telling you. But I will tell you's all a lie, like everything else...the 'facts' are made to conform to the flow of a story, that if unwound, would reveal...the greatest lies in history.

All of it, the scrolls, the sunken cities, Columbus and the Conquistadors, their reasons for all of it...the ageless churches...they are searching 'for something', and it's imperative, they distract you...because, they want to claim it first!

Believe, people! Believe, as science tells you not to! For, there are things, but what those things are, and another story. You haven't heard it right, and you don't know it all! There's more to 'disclosure', than you are aware!

'Buckle up and place your trays in the upright position!' Get ready for the RIDE of your life!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2017, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Indiana Jones meets Princess Liea, James Hance

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