Friday, June 10, 2016


High lakes...cold waters...evergreen...meadows. To achieve these realms, where god, himself...her own, reside, among the unified creation...only one, need be...absent. There is no such beauty...elsewhere, to be found. In the chasms of a handsome face...yes. In the ethereal eyes and lines of a guileless, young woman...of course. In a child, and the mother of a child. In the wisdom of an ancient man. Though, most of all, in nature of the wilderness, where all must live, or die...according to a genesis. It is different than, the plans...that man designs. Do you suppose, that god...ever...comes down from his place, to the spoilage you have made here? Of course, he does. It saddens her. He wishes better for our kind. We stay away. We watch you crawl. We watch you walk. You climb, with your spirit in your gun...your fear. We smell it, and many of us die. We welcome you. You kill us. We watch you...from a distance, and you ask...why? All the creatures living, in the elsewild know. They watch you grow, and hope for become civilized.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016,  Deming, New Mexico

Photo Credit:, Forest Wolf


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Clytemnestra Aa...It comes of being permitted to walk in the high places, where others seldom go. What one can feel up there...if one,but feels and wonderful...

