Sunday, October 4, 2015

For Those With and Without Eyes To See

Sometimes I think...the sense of sight is what offends us all...the world be more at peace, if we just felt around...each other...touching, kissing, clutching, hugging...holding on to one another's that you...Ouch! Oh! My!...sweet air...Oh! Scuse em muah!...I was not going for your derriere! that a pot handle???...sigh...I hope

Just think of what might then transpire...true love might be...without  a doubt, nor judgement, based on what you got...or haven't got...and wrinkles would be krinkles of our character...not canyons we could fall in...and belley's would be pillows...and the rest would not embarrass or arrest us...for our fondle's, nor our foibles, nor our grasping curiosities...

Our needs to know, would be quite brotherly and sisterly and motherly and fatherly...just helping one another find the door, the key, the can...the woman from the man...quite humanly and subtly, and sensibly...excepting where it almost pokes you in the eye...Oh my!...well that was that your cane???...a flasher on a rainy day we could ignore...we'd need to find another objectify...

We would not watch the evening news...the handsome falsely phony faces that amuse, could be anyone then...and the bloody lies would all just drift away...and then suspend...due to lack of interest...The bus lines would be out of and airplanes wouldn't buzz around the earth and sky...annoying us...and we could grope our way's to parks to roll upon the grass...

To feel each other's...yeah! more excuses to build war machines...those brightly gleaming dildo's of the Generals...cause, I mean...whose gonna see them???...It wont mean a thing...and that would be the end of that...and dogs would lick our faces...and teach us how to use our places we had never dreamed...and ice cream...would taste...Outrageous!

Don't get me wrong...I do not want to lose my eyes...and hope the ones who have, forgive my ribaldry and metaphor...I thank my great good God, that I can taste and hear and touch and smell...and most of sweet poetry...I merely wish a wish for you and me, that we could rest, from find a harmony and humor in our soul...that all might live and love and enjoy...

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2015

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