Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Buddha

Miho and I met, on account of a dog named Hooch...a garden buddha...and the kindness of God...she was a fairly recent 'emigre to America...from Japan...I watched her there on that farm, where I found her...the westering sun shining through her long dark hair...

She introduced herself to me and I to little buddha brought her there..."Are you a Buddhist?", she asked with broken tongue..."I am some times."...was my answer. She had seen my little buddha, sitting at the front, of my tiny travel trailer...

As times went on...I working as a bus driver...I'd arrive home after dark...I'd play a little music low, on that old worn acoustic guitar...Hooch, her dog...would come to listen some, an old Rottweiler...seemed to like me...he would guide and almost beg me to get close to her...and I inclined...not knowing our future...

And so it went, from day to day, and month to month...until we got together...Hooch was almost dancing, the night I invited her to dinner...that went well...what the hell...we got married in a fever, not to borrow lines from other men's songs...but, "Wanna move in?" I asked...she said she only had a couple things...

Forty boxes later...I was one cooked goose, flaming duck...fortieth blackbird baked in a fourteen foot trailer...this would not do...we had to find an apartment...sweet and lonely gypsy days were through...but I had this hot new little partner...and two kids and fourteen years we are, still together...

I'm a bit older than a fossil now...and she, sixteen years my about a cradle robber...I still watch old gent's and youngsters too, check out her caboose...and I go..."Hey! Hey! Hey! That's my wife!" She pretends not to notice...keeps me hopping...I can tell you...and just life in god squats back with a video recorder...and captures funny times between us two...

And our dear children...well, there's another chapter...perhaps tomorrow I may jot it down...we have the two, a boy and girl...fruit not fallen very far from the tree...and they are smart as hell...and gearing up to beat us at the game...but I'm a dad, an old and wise one...and I think that really foils their plan...yet, overall, they love us, and they're just great kids...that I'm glad are in our lives...

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2015

Art: Buddha, by artist presently unknown

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