Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Mud and Marble

There is an issue I don't want to turn into poetry...I just want to say it straight out...it is schools.

 In Arizona, America, for those unfamiliar with more local geography...the Governor of the state, just signed a bill releasing 32 billion dollars to these cutting edge school administrations that supposedly teach the youngsters to be better, smarter citizens. If they are smarter, they're hiding it from me. They're tech'y alright.

They know every slang twit and twat shortcut to verbalization, in the texting and sexting vocabulary...but is all that money making their monkey business any less prevalent and are these schools making them better or smarter, or just more spoiled and savvy to how the system can be spun, twerked, twisted as they go along their years, out of focus to social manners and intricacies, and into media apps, and smart devices while the kids retrograde into lapses from all good sense, what so ever. 

Strange...a smart device...a stupid kid, and none of them even want to be in school. They want to be home, locked in their rooms with their costly gaming platforms, freezing the world out, and living in a fantasy land. They don't want to talk to their parents, their siblings or the rest of the known world. They build mansions in the sky, but they never have their feet on the ground. Parents must force their children to step outside for a breath of chem trail air.

Meanwhile, there are the exceptions to this rule...kids that are not only smart and privileged, but go on to excel, enter colleges and create all manner of further smart devices that truly serve and make better, a smaller and smaller segment of society here or in the world. They are never taught or really encouraged to take those fine brains of theirs and make something practical for the lot of us; let's make some military crap instead. And this goes back to my issue at the beginning.

There are children all over the world who beg and yearn for an education, something just better than a mud hut and fire charcoal to write with...millions upon millions of them, and while it is obvious to every one world wide, that the spoilage in education in America is about 70 percent, the complete and utter lack of any sort of education in other countries, and lets mention the big one...Africa, is right at 100 percent in many areas. 

What do these 'have not's' do? They wait for humanitarian aid and kill each other. I've said for a long time, there are carnivores, vegetarians and humanitarians...watch out for those. Billions spent on kids that are spoiled, bored brats, while other kids want to learn, by the simplest means but can't. This is wrong, and it is as wrong as rape, or incest or murder or violence of any kind. It is a lying system of selfishness bent on ruining the privileged with too much, and the have nothing's with too little.

Watch the result's of imbalance. Here's how it works. Instead of the rich country's helping the poor country's get better, they send them a pittance through local government channels. We know that money's never going to get to the kids. It goes to the warlords, some of whom, one country or another, has dealings with, and so, these well off country's use the excuse of help, to wage their bloody war dealings. And a hell of a lot of money is spent on advertising...the good guys, from the bad guys. The good guys send money, that always funnels down a rat hole.

If we really want to show our greatness as a world or as a country, quit building marble halls for yourselves, and start helping the kids, all over, get a grip on reality. If they don't figure out what balance is, because you never taught them, then it's YOUR fault, not theirs. Balance will restore this tilting wobbling world from running down to destruction. Let's see if you care. And if you plan to wait on 'balance' the way you've waited on 'global warming', the kids who could save us wont have a clue. Chop chop people.

Don't bring the immigrants of every diseased nation to our shores, or we will be as bad off as they are. Instead, teach them to heal their own disease...show them their own worth in success with their own people. Help them make themselves great again, rather than brag about how great we are all the time. Don't make deals with their warlords for any reason, and give up the pretense of secrecy. Secrecy is an excuse to criminal activity. There has been so much of it for so long, the world is now eaten alive with wormholes of secrecy. When you cleanse the world, make sure to cleanse yourselves first, thou hypocrite's.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2015

Photo: Mud Hut School in South Sudan, by unknown

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