Saturday, November 28, 2015

Two Tires

A few years back, my now teen boy, was a little guy, maybe five or six years old, and old dad was working hard and thanklessly, daylight to dusk. Wife and I were talking..."Wouldn't it be nice to retire?" I don't know which of us said it, but my little boy piped up..."Daddy needs two tires!" Our car, such as it was, was in need of a lot more than we could give it.

I remember, we laughed and laughed, and we hugged the wise and loquacious kid. But now that I think of it, several years on...I still need 'two tires', because one retirement income on Social Security sure as hell isn't enough. Of course, the capitalist's out there are going..."Oh, should have planned more carefully...then you wouldn't be whining about the government dole of Social Security."

And to that I answer, "Next time you go see the dentist, somebody stitch shut your mouth, you double dipping capitalist ass wipe! Even if you knew about working...really, you would still need ears to hear the cry's of everyone beneath yourself, and, well...I guess that's just everyone...right?" I hate guys like that, and you know they always do just fine for themselves, and it really is about themselves...all the way.

Now, don't get me wrong...I used to be a Democrat, a dyed in the wool tree hugging liberal, of a Democrat. Dad was one. I was one. But dad's passed over now, and he doesn't have to see this shit...thank God! He was a good, hard working democrat...old school room schoolhouse type. He didn't have to see men turn to pussies and then to pansies, and fruits and vegetables right before our eyes. In dads day you stood behind your word, you stood up for your were simple and undevious.

These last two political administrations have cured me of party affiliation on either side. I wasn't born or raised to be a lier or a sneak or a thief, or a self centered greedy human being, looking out only for myself. Our country has been cut up into political pie and sold to the highest bidder, by Democrats and Republicans alike. They say "Yes!" to everything and anyone with a handful of cash. They have sold the farm, and the family right down the river.

Well, you know where this goes...hope you relish Kim about some nice 'prayer tower's', and a healthy dash of LBGT in your face...with a little 'pink slime' spread on top, and somebody from the 'blackhouse' telling you the economy's "just getting better and better...unstoppable. And what with no need to worry about Global Warming, we can sleep at night, in the knowledge that someone higher and smarter than a cat's ass is looking right out for us." Right!

Well, all I know is, our little 'life vest' of Social Security is in more danger than a sacred cow, because a bunch of politicians have been eating the burgers out it's ass, and working their way to the tip of it's nose, all hidden safely inside the beast, telling the rest of us 'poor schmucks', "it ain't gonna last forever." No one's's just business, they tell us. They always tell us, "It's just business."

My little boy, when he was little, watched Larry King on the TV, and came to tell dad and mom, most excitedly..."Martin Luther King has a brother on TV...he's white and his name is Larry King!" The eyes of a child aren't so well informed, maybe...but I would rather hear his opinions and commentary, than anyone on TV. It's the only good news in the world today.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2015

Art: Portrait Of A Boy In A Tophat, by John Opie 1761- 1807

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