Thursday, March 16, 2017

Houston...We Have A Problem!

Houston...we have a problem! It's name is 'Pack Ratius Ass Holius' and it flaunts its ability to harbor in the Paddle cactus and Cholla, outside our home, here in Deming, New Mexico. It sticks its tongue out, wags its butt and makes inappropriate hand and finger our general direction. It sneaks beneath our house, and at night, it chews the foundation, wiring, and what's left of our nerves! 

We poisoned them out last spring. But, they're back, and bigger. It now sounds like Gremlins or demons from hell. It is nerve wracking, to say the least. They are as big as Chinchilla's, and fast and sneaky. They eat the wiring out from under vehicles, build nests in the engines, and remind me of a sadistic comedy, I watched...several times, about a mouse, a house, a ball of string. The mouse won. Everybody else lost. 

It's one of those things. It's evil, invasive...but cute. I mean, really cute. Cute as the devil. We are not rodent savvy and this is our weakness, and they know it! We have a couple of cats, but they're indoor cats. I am considering getting some feral cats. They would have a buffet here. I am not for cruelty or killing things, but these pack rats are, literally, bringing our house down. 

We have tried mouse traps, poison mouse bait, smoke, gas, disco music...and nothing works! I think we should have been informed, when we purchased the property,,,there might be a little 'mouse-a-tosis' going on here! That's just a day in the desert, though. 

I love the desert. Men were not made to live in houses...anyway! We are supposed to be wrapped in a saddle blanket, by a campfire, with a steaming cup of week old coffee, smoking a Marlboro! I get that. My wife doesn't! I don't get her! But, if you move out to the land of sagebrush, sand, and 'Cool Water', you better have an iron plate on your ass, or the desert will be gnawing on it...that's for sure!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2017, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Pack rat in a Paddle cactus, google pic

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