Thursday, March 30, 2017

Robbing Peter

Every time, I look around, there are western and European people, aiming to become involved in other peoples misery. A lot of that misery is created, by our involvements. Why do we become involved? Well, for the least part, we become 'piqued' by news reports, plea's of assistance by humanitarian agencies (aka government sub contractors). We send bucks, food, blankets. That satisfies 'our need', not theirs, because most of our 'good deeds' never arrive on site. 

Warlords, 'in it' with government agencies, see to that. They siphon all cash to themselves, and the rest ends up in some African shit hole. But, it's always the same, a plea for help, like a plea to save puppies or abused animals. All the good deeds do, is grease the skids of 'government's interest's in those regions. 

Those 'interests' move in, beguiling the under educated with promises of 'humanitarian assistance'. Next thing you know, there's a 'giant sucking sound', as Energy companies, Giant oil companies, Mining companies...begin drilling, scraping, and overtaking the sovereign interests of these needy countries. 

The governments promise 'infrastructure, dams, education, and independence from need, but all we ever see, are red dirt roads, women with dried up breasts, and starving children...pickups and army vehicle's full of brash young men, wielding automatic rifles and machete's...and nothing ever gets better in any of these places. 

Then, let these people care for themselves. Quit 'feeding the warlords', the bandits, the criminals, so that the west can suck its greedy gain, from out of the ground...of the suffering! Let the suffering 'tend to' these warlords, when they are tired enough of suffering. Get out of there. Leave them be. If they have resources, they are 'their' resources. 

Quit getting involved and mired in every one else's problems. In short...'mind your own business'! White Europeans, have always felt inspired to 'stick their nose in', that they 'know more' than those native peoples living in the regions. What does it do to the white European' the dreams of''Empire? It bites them in the ass, in countless small ways. 

It overloads their borders with immigrants and refugees, and interminable demands for help. It becomes impossible at some future meet the demand, and ultimately takes more than it gives the greedy swine, whose true intent, 'to colonize the countries of others, wasn't humanitarian at all...but, an ever for wealth at any cost. 

It is still and always...a tale of 'balance', or the lack of it. You move commodities, or cause them to be moved, from their create imbalance somewhere. There's a lot of that going around. Where ever you see a 'third world economy', you can bet a 'first world economy' is responsible for it, by some hook or crook! 

Is it 'guilt' that inspires humanitarianism? Well, of course it is...and it's paltry little improvement, to the ruined lives, made by those very same 'humanitarian entities'.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2017, at Deming, New Mexico

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