Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Souls Progression

I have seen her, traveled in her wings, many times. In her glory, face to face, I have witnessed her a dark room, at peace, with eyes wide open. She revealed herself.

Above me, over me...of me, of golden a fiery vapor. Kundalini. It is said, an exposure to a kundalinic arousal, can be dangerous...if not fatal, to the body unprepared.

One, Gopi Krishna, gives an account of his experience with her in a book, written of it. In my personal was not as trying, and over time, I believe, has been a transformative adaptation.

Is she the soul? I believe, she is the mother of the soul, guarding her nest, and her eggs. A wisdom says: 'Keep not, your eggs in one basket'. It is further said, there may be seven or more houses for a single soul. Diversify, with a thing so precious.

A 'soul'. Most value less, a thing...they know not, they possess. In my studies, of a souls progression, growth and ultimate absorption into God Brahman, soul unfolds and is called 'the jewel in the lotus'.

The jewel rests there, in its nest, abiding time...until 'moksha', liberation, and release from 'samsara', this world, and her training. The key event, to the souls preparedness for called 'sunyata', hollowness, emptiness.

A cup prepared to be 'poured into', a receptive vessel, having emptied 'of itself', that a wiser and more comprehensive value may join and become one with it. This is the accomplishment of 'Atma', individual soul...with 'Brahman', oversoul...great soul, that which is all and nothing at all, but pure beingness.

Kundalini, is the treasure dragon...that, protecting this nest, for eventual union. Rosicrucianism has an expression called 'the alchemical marriage'. In essence, it is the stage at which, one value changes into another, and Christianity call 'surrender'. It is actually, the subatomic joining and restructuring of three qualities.

In this trinity, are the values of odd and even. The carrier of it, is 'not in being', as defined in conscious human expression.. It cannot be defined as 'such', and this is the mystery and shall remain so. This is where 'faith', plays her part in union with God.

I promised, I would reveal 'analysis', I have gleaned of personal experience, and because, I believe...'we die', for a lack of spiritual knowledge, which is really, the only true wisdom, outside of death and lecture(very similar). We are more than we know.

You are more than you know...vastly more. Consider the flower...


Written by Bruce James Clyde, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: soul self, google art

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