Sunday, August 16, 2015

Dubious at best

Science is suspect to me...

like they say...

the Big Bang...

were you there...

could it have been...

a soft Ahhhhh...

to science that would be...

against the law...

and then...

coronal mass ejection...

it should conform...

to man's erection...

of pathetic inculcation...

but again...

it simply...

beggar's man's self certainty...

passing light up...

like a pinto to a sports car...

then there's the search...

for life out there...

and all the buttons...

and the lights...

and all the dollars...

sunk from sight...

against some scientist's opinion...

so some stranger even stranger...

than the cat...

across from me...

can be found...

go figure...

I despise that term...

as much as.............


we wont go there...

and there's others where...

we never should have gone...

take CERN...

take gene splicing...

take those iffy little nano bots...

all the rage...

ten years ago...

take the genome...

cloning replication...

what's that...

tiny little spot...

if I just touch it...

with this...


made you say it!...

made you say it!...

just keep it up...

dubious at best...

hope we make it...

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2015


  1. Particularly enjoyed this one; I'm not a fan of science and breaking everything down into a logical explanation. An apt description, Sir Bruce (applause)

  2. You are my single rare thing...thank you Dean

