Thursday, February 22, 2018

White Sands Black Plans

I'll be weird, and tell you something...

In my 30's, I received 'a gift', a gift of being and seeing, that took me on the road...for ten years. It was a 'divine calling'. It was so strong, vibrant, real...and I met 'many'. Some of them, were wonderful. Some of them, were mishap.

In the beginning of this, I received a 'transmission of art', a group of drawings of beings, beautiful to behold...unlike us. I called them, 'the winter elves', because, they were snow white.

Later in my life, as my gift began to fade...I listened to a tale, on 'night radio'. I believe, it might have been 'Art Bell'. He had a guest, telling a story, about the 'paper white people', a group of beings, in touch with the Military.

It is said, they mistrust humans very greatly, and are specifically concerned for their, 'aren't we all'. It concludes, in these later years, of imagine, the military 'kyped' some of these otherworld children, and have held for ransom...these, in order of technology.

A 'swap', for the safety of the children. It would be a sad reality, that anyone could have done this, 'The Pied Piper', it would be lose the children of our human race, yet as the debt of karma owes, many have been 'taken'...already. There is even a movie, by that name.

If these, so called 'paper white people', are owed, their children all means, 'give them', and imagine, why, at war we are...and how it never ends, and ask yourself...why? Is this, a part of 'the why', of it all?

What happened in the desert of New Mexico, in 1947? What tales have been spun, to hide a grievous wrong...and what would you do, to find your children? This is but a part, of those 'clips' ripped from the heart and mind of truth. What really happened to...a lot of things?

I wonder...don't you?

Written by Bruce James Clyde, at Deming, New Mexico

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