Friday, February 17, 2017

Nobody's Pinup

 'Life is not an asphalt road, all smooth and featureless, that you can go zoom zoom on, with little care and Michelin tires. Life is a rocky road, ups and downs, and in many places, it becomes a trail, precipitous and sharp edged and dangerous. 

"Straight is the way", as an allegory, cannot apply to the 'real' road of life. Sometimes, you can't even find the road, or it's foggy, or it's wet...or, you're lost completely. But, it clears. It becomes sunny again. You find your way. Eventually, you find the way. 

It's all these mishaps, and imperfections, and course corrections, that life is about. Life isn't a neatly coined 'bumper sticker'. It really is rougher than that. But , there are good hearts out here, hearts that will take you in, love you, when the chips are down, and your 'hand' sucks. 

I'm nobody's pinup, and nobody's choice, but time to time, 'when I was tired of everything', I found hope in the most unexpected ways...but largely, by 'changing the channel' in myself,'s me, that has to do the work, has to find the way...and I can, and I did.

 It was terrible hard, but here I am. If you are young, think of all you have. You have a fresh new battery, a young pliable heart, an open uncharted road of adventure. You could try anything. Just change the channel, and don't worry too Look at that beautiful smile.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2017, at Deming, New Mexico

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