Friday, February 17, 2017

None Of That, And A Chalk Board

I will sound like a fossil, cloned from the stone old school icon, that nobody even dusts off anymore. But here it goes. We don't need liberal arts and sciences in education, beneath college level. We don't need liberal teachers, telling our kids, they are entitled to 'act out', carry on 'an attitude', 'flaunt authority', and persist in casting out the old, without even knowing, what they are casting out.

What we do need in Public Schools, are rules for the students, that wont confuse them, and rules for the teachers...who wish to remain teaching. We need 'Reading, Writing, Arithmetic...and a chalk board. Beside that, we need to hire some damn good experienced teachers, that care, to give a child 'that spark of learning', some old school teachers...not these new school 'wastes of time', turning our children's minds and morals to pulp!

School, for our youngsters, need not be 'a social experiment'. The experiment has failed. Enough damage has been done to our children! So called 'entitlements', and 'entitlement attitudes' have ruined generations of, otherwise, fine capable students, and turned them into the willing pawns of the state. Team spirit has its place, but 'independent thought', is the sovereignty of a child's mind. They need to know, they have a right to be who they are, for their own good.

Schools receive billions of dollars, in Federal grants. The classroom halls are paved in gold, but the emphasis of interest by the faculties, involve attendance for dollars. We don't need the 'entitlement' of a fancy looking school, where the actual academic levels of the student body, are propped up by illegitimate paper suck of the Federal dollar trough. It would be wiser, to my mind, to use that money to lure 'great teachers' to small places, like the small town my kids and family live near.

The city's, for many social reasons...are in danger of failure, while that, which might re-energize America's greatness...the 'rural population', languishes in the country side...waiting for a break. But out here, we tend toward 'conservatism', making do, and that is what determined 'our choice' for President, this election round. The liberals howl about it, and whine, and beat their fists, and 'act out, in the very way they were taught to, by their liberal teachers, and liberal arts. Take a good look people...see what it brought about?

We need to 'get back to basics'. We need to educate our kids in practical terms, things that will help them in 'real life', not fantasy life, skills to use in the house, on the farm and in everyday terms...for the long run. We can't ALL be 'Chiefs'. Most of us will just be indian's! That's a good thing. Quit teaching our kids, 'they have to be something, or they're nothing'. There wont be a lot of jobs in the job market, if they keep building robots, to do those jobs, so quit lying to the kids, and setting them up for a failed future.

Get real, people! Do you care about the all? Is that anywhere near, a primary your mind, or is it 'self preservation' and personal infatuation, rather more? I think...the latter!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2017, at Deming, New Mexico

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