Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Where's The Pub!

Men want war, even if it's 'tug of war'. They can't resist...ground gained, ground lost...and, let's not forget women...I forget my train of thought, when the 'screeching' begins, but they can really ratchet up a crisis event...that's when you know...what you got in 'the bag' is gonna tear your ass off. That's what I come away with, in most of the political posts. Oh, yeah...some are 'button down', and civil...even informed, but most are just...brawls, blood and beer...and fear. The first thing to go, in that case...is 'calm consideration'. Fuck calm consideration! Is that how it is? I think...yes. If it wasn't so apocalyptic, I would laugh...but, it would be unfair, because...I know you, all, are so sincere. It happens every four to eight years, but this is different. Can you feel it? Do you think one sides arguments are less concerning, than the other? We are in trouble here. What have we been dragged into? It's like a 'mosh pit, from top to bottom. The rhetoric, the lies, the dirty tricks...are that hot. It might as well be monkeys in the jungle. Have we lost all semblance of...civilization? Can we step back? Do we have the power, to perceive...what is happening here? This is not a game. This is our lives, our families, our friends, our dreams...in the hands of liar's and scum, who would say...anything, to get what they want, and take us on a little ride...from which, we may never return. See...it's not our party, no matter which side we're on. It's their party. As you may have noted...we are forced to a choice between two evils...not one evil and one good...not one thing, making sense. None of it makes sense. It's 'the new math'. One and one make...fuzzy logic...'move along...there's nothing to see here'. Well, the hell there isn't...and we better see it soon, or we are going to lose our ass, as well as our balls. How can I say this? Is this what you want, people? As long as your little mugs of suds, keep sliding your way, and your inebriation adequately, blanks the facts of life...you'll just keep on keeping on? Ok. But let me remind you...the 'American way of life', has not been, the American way,,,for several years now. That brings me to this single point. If you had the armor of God...would you know how to put it on? This is not something they show you, on a jet plane, or in a school classroom any more. What the hell is 'The Armor of God'?  It's integrity, intention, straightness. I don't mean, as opposed to being gay or any of the new persuasions. I mean, as concerning honesty, consideration of others, transparency in the face of opaqueness. Are you a judge of the living and the dead, or are you a protector of the innocent, the intimidated, and the naive? Are you worth a shit, or are you a piece of shit? If you're worth a shit...get in your armor, and get ready. It's coming down!

You can blame the candidates, or realize...they are caught up in this too. They are dupes, and fools...taking money, from invisible alliances, across the world. There's where you should focus. Who are the hidden freaks, throwing giant money at the campaigns...both sides? Try to skip the racism, the mistrust, and just focus. Who are they...really? Follow the money...reveal the interests involved in keeping and manipulating, the status quo. Who the hell are these 'campaign managers'...really, and what do they whisper in the ears of candidates? Who are their 'handlers'? It's up to you people. I said my piece, and they just might take a piece of me, for saying it. But, by God...it's a free country, or...it's supposed to be...long live Calidonia.

Written By Bruce James Clyde 2016, Deming, New Mexico

Photo Credit: kyberia.sk

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