Tuesday, September 29, 2015

"A Little Child Shall Lead Them"

I know that some might view my contributions to poetic prose as naive, others inflammatory, and a few might take my art choices as, seditiously sexual...you might conceive of me to be a 'flaming' gay liberal...or a spanking swapping bi sexual...I really wouldn't mind...or you might just...not care...at all...

The point would be missed in this...in all of the above...if not for curiosity and care and love...and one other thing...that we have lost, the Earth entire...innocence...can you feel it...the loss of that newborn awe...the vacuous draft of it's dark replacement...filling us, while lying to our hearts...

Do old men yearn...their body's worn...to younger men, their body's firm...the template...of a better day...do elder ladies rue their lot...pant within their romance novels...not for him, but she...oh my...are we the victims of our fear...to be the way we are...never reaching out...to try a better possibility...

Oh, must it all come down to this...this sameness every hour...this dream du jour, that is no dream...I mean...hey, there is a far far better way to be...to be as children...once again, or not to be at all...it seems...I choose to be...yet, not quite as...I mean, whoa! there cowboy...there's more...

Men could offer up...a world of love...instead of ash...a world of peace instead of death...where nothing is impossible...our children of a nature to explore...what lays before them...in the bounty of this world...instead of killing,every living thing...grasp the horny beast...lay down with him...to find there is no provocation...let nature...be our guide again...where Pan's sweet syrinx play...

As lion is with lamb, tis said...is my interpretation...can you find a fault...we must touch souls, we must fill hearts...with other than this stuff, of latter day invention...now...or innocence will pay the cost...and all to dearly, down with us...and all that man was ever meant to be...as all of nature turn to dust and flee...

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2015

Art: Tiresius being led by a boy playing Pan flute, by Rupert Bunny 1904

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