Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Persian Carpet

Few years ago, a young couple I was 'hanging' with gave me this bag of pot, about an ounce or two...I smoked on it for 4 days. It was that real good surprises...the old lady next door to my apartment was always getting in my shit(parlance of the street)so, about the second day, I tell myself..."well, you live in a free country...self", so I got naked as a newborn, a sight to behold in those days, and went on the back porch and smoked and danced and sang and screamed...

and I had this old persian carpet...a really nice one, passed down to me by my family. In one corner of the carpet was this little golden flying saucer woven into the rug with sheep wool and camel hair, and who knows shit?...all the neighbors were 'peeking' from their apartment windows to see the naked 'freak' sitting on the magic persian carpet(it was sure as shit magic to me by then)and I had a stick, and I would tap the carpet...for hours, going "ick...ick...ick", for 'up' in try to get that carpet to fly. 

I would roll a joint, and another and do art in a journal I had...just sitting there...hours and hours...kinda like a few acid trips I took or Peyote trips.My friend Angie would roll out to the porch in her electric wheel chair...she was so beautiful and intelligent(oh, how I miss that one), and she would just give me this 'wise' look, like she knew I was a total fool, but it was ok with her...that's why we were friends, and we loved each other. 

then, the young couple, the ones that gave me the pot stopped by, and they had their guitars, and they were so cute together, kind of like a couple of 'rangy' gypsies, and they wanted to sing with me and talk with me, and they were kind of high too...and we started singing, and I tell you, it was like we could see into each others souls...and I saw the words to a song for us...stretched out before my vision, just like the 'Star Wars' movie scroll at the first of the movie...that was the fourth day. 

Then, Judith stopped by, a Sai Baba devotee, really super sweet, loving and somewhat pretentious...that needed to be fixed...I knew it for a long time, so the night before, a tiny baby O'possum had gotten into our apartment, and I caught it up and put it in a box, with some water. Judith was talking with Angie, and I laid my guitar down, momentarily, to go see Judith...

"Bright blessings to you" she said..."right" was my reply..."Hey Judith...wanna see my little friend?" I reached into the box, grabbed the little furry dude by the scruff, and lifted him into the daylight..."See!" I said, and right then, the O'possum let out this long spitting hissing sound, and Judith just started screaming and screaming these 'little girl screams', her bliss and her aplomb and demeanor had fled the scene...entirely. 

That was very funny...and that was sort of the party crasher...I realized I was naked, my pals buzzed off and Judith recollected her sweet pretentious self...but it was great while it lasted...oh and I loved every one of those people, and still do, in my heart...even the old bag next door, who was so damned unforgettable...

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2015

Art: Artist currently unknown

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