Monday, November 13, 2017


Who among us, are 'not' slaves...after one sort or another? There are racial slaves, wage slaves, sex slaves, sweat shop slaves, slaves to drugs, fashion industry slaves, agricultural industry slaves.

You name it. Many 'someones' are enslaved to it, body and soul. But, who would be free? Freedom requires decision, commitment, and sacrifice. We are all slaves and we are all afraid to take break free.

Where is 'Spartacus'? You know, the white guy in the old biblical movie? Free'd the slaves. What about Moses? Another 'white guy' freed the the movie. Why, you'd almost think, 'the white guys' freed as many people, as they had enslaved.

Then, there are the people who enslave 'their own people'. A lot of that goes on throughout the world. There are 'the children taken' who have nothing to say, and there are 'the abductions' and lights in the sky.

Slavery. This is a world of slavery, a growth business...but why put up 'one color' as the embodiment? Every one of us knows 'someone' who is enslaved, except 'those insulated' by thick wads of money. It's amazing, how little they pretend to know.

Siddhartha Gataum Buddha was insulated, by the Royal house of his family. He made a decision, and gave it all find himself. He wandered, suffered, for a conviction that drove him, like a goad and finally achieved 'self realization'. No longer was he a slave to tradition.

Jesus the Christ, suffered and died...sacrificing his self, for our selves, and our freedom. He arose on 'the third day', no longer a slave to this world.

Freedom, in ones self, really is 'the only freedom'. To begin to realize, we are NOT a slave within, is the beginning of 'the end' of slavery.


Written by, Bruce James Clyde, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Kirk Douglas as 'Spartacus'

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