Saturday, November 11, 2017

Did You Know

I have 'two' favorite books in my repertoire, besides ALL my other favorite books. You may think, 'Ugh!' which is completely 'par for the course' these days. But, anyway: They are 'The Holy Bible'(best in King James Version, with a 'center source' of terms and words, basically, a minister's Bible) and 'Autobiography of a Yogi'.

I think they are so special, because, not only are they 'misread' , but they are 'put down', as unbearably 'unbelievable'. Well, call me 'autistic'. I would be honored, but I find them both...'utterly believable', just in 'a different way'.

Without delving into 'too much' detail, let me just say...'I believe in fairy tales'! I have read 'The Bible' from cover to cover, and parts thereof many times, and I am currently re-reading 'Autobiography of a Yogi'.

Can you imagine, how far beyond the veil, where history fades to myth, the tale of 'Eden' is? And yet, for all its 'distantness', I feel it's authenticity. 'I believe in it'! What happens when 'a believer' believes implicitly and without a thing? I believe that it believes in us.

I just think, we believe 'too much' in the terms and conditions of others, and we should believe more in ourselves. We have feelings, intuitions and these are often 'denied', by scholars and pundits and yahta yahta yahta! But it's not enough to ever make me stop the way that I believe.

How do I believe? I believe, before the dawn of history, there was a place...and 'it is still'. It is the biblical Eden, and we had to leave...a long long time ago. How do I know? I believe, for the Bible tells me so! There are other things.

There are Wizards called 'Prophet's' and Emrods, and poets, and witches and Kings and angels and elves and 'fairey tribes', and Unicorns, all mentioned or hiding in the Holy book of words. It's there for anyone to see.

You're just 'looking' with the wrong eye', 'hearing with 'the wrong ear' in the wrong way. Take a trip 'alone', or with a trusted friend, through the pages of 'the ancient tome' to see another way. It is the same, of such great books, and we believe or nay, of these and others of their kind.

Let 'no one' deny you children...for you know the way. You feel it and imagine and 'intuit', as do I. There is a journey ahead. It wont be long, some 'miracle' will help us find. We will enter in a land that is a storybook, alive, and all its character's will come to show us to it.


Written by Bruce James Clyde, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: garden of eden, google art


  1. And I believe. I agree with you.. excellent read .. thank you :)

    1. ...and I believe in you, Clytemnestra. Love to you, and thank you:-)

  2. *a wide smile* Much agape love..blessings :)

  3. *a wide smile* Much agape love..blessings :)

