Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Beware, The Shill?

Without believing a thing, or quoting a source...I can list some, damned odd, observations of the last few days, chief of which, is NOT Kanye West, at Trump Tower. Why would a man, newly chosen, to guide this great nation, entertain a celebrity, who is, likely psychotic, possibly on psychotropic drugs, take him to 'the tower', sit and 'talk on life', then walk him to the front door, as if he were a 'leader of nations'?

Who is Kanye West? Who the hell, are 'the Kardashians', and what happened to Bruce Jenner? If there ever were a 'mutant' litter of 'cats in a bag...holding Hollywood, by the jugular, and 'ripping' microphones out of the hands of entertainers...it is this bunch, called 'the Kardashians's'. Why would Trump, 'bother'? What have these 'off world' wierdo's got on him, and on Hollywood, and on 'mass media'...in general?

Then, there's this, Trumps choice for 'Secretary of State', a known associate, with 'cozy good feelings', for Putin of Russia. I am all for 'cozy', but under the circumstances...of suspicion, that Trump is all 'too cozy', with Russia...'why would he bother', to arouse such 'suspicion', as he, seems to be carelessly doing? I mean, what the hell?

Who is it, advising this man...really?  Bannon, chief strategist and 'far right winger', Mnuchin, a greedy grey...shady 'Sachs son', for Treasury, Pallin, a questionable 'caribou killer' from Wasilla, Alaska, who calls herself a 'pit bull', and is as well informed, for Veterans Affairs?

What the hell is going on? This is not a cabinet. This is a facade...for who? For 'we the people'? Are we this stupid? Is this the bone, we're thrown...a half a caribou thigh and an X New York City Mayor? What the hell is going on? I'm rooting for Trump, because...it's a given, what Hillary is, and what the liberals are, and whose drum, the 'main stream media' dance too...but what the hell?

Trump could not possibly be this naive. Is he just more of the same, and is this all a giant distraction...from what? Perhaps, that 'pea', I spoke of previously? You know, there's less said of 'Pizza gate', lately, but it's still  'the elephant' in the room, and it will be, until questions are answered, and justice is served on it, and its participants.

I don't care who chases whose tail, the CIA, the FBI, The Girl Scouts, or who takes the 'low road' and 'who walks on the ceiling'. I think we know! None of them 'walk on the water'! If Trump is 'such a deal maker', why doesn't he quit making deals with the devil...and begin serving the light, and the people? We don't need any more 'bullshit!'

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, new Mexico

Art: google art

  1. 1.
    an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.
  1. 1.
    act or work as a shill.

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