Thursday, December 29, 2016

Let The Spirit Return

I could not be more white, if I took a 'chalk bath'. but my pride in the 'Native American people', could, no more complete. I have observed, the European way of doing things, and the American native way of doing things, for nearly 70 years. 

The earth cannot, much longer...suffer the fools, who took away the birthright of 'native Americans'. The earth dies, of a lack of true consideration. The native American, and 'world indigenous', teachings, with regard to the earth...are far more sound, and rooted in 'balance' and 'common sense'...than the 'white mans'. 

While the white European, sees the earth as a 'thing to take from', the native...sees the earth, as a living being, in need of being cared for, nurtured, and given back to. In concert, indigenous minorities, from around the globe have reasoned with white men, and pleaded with them, to consider the needs of the earth, for years. But, white men do not listen. 

They have lied, to themselves, and reasoned falsely, that it is their destiny, decreed by strength and take from the earth and her people, whatever they may desire. Why? Because, they are 'white?' That is a poor criteria, to measure anything by. 

White men demand the right to things, that are not theirs, and seek blessing, upon their enterprises, where no blessing is deserved...nor shall be forth coming. My hopes, and my prayers, are that balance will return, and reason, to the land. 

A great spirit made this world, and put a great people, in charge of her care. The European 'visitors', have proven themselves unworthy, of the challenge of 'care for the earth'. It must be returned to its protectors and guardians, the native people of the America's, and indigenous people from around the globe. 

Only then, will the mother of us all, rest in peace. Amen.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Native American's on horseback, artist unknown at present

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