Friday, December 16, 2016

What's The Blessing Worth?

I observed another piece of 'naive journalism', today, titled,"We are getting to them", over a so called, 'house cleaning' of personnel at a big city news outlet, due to 'budget constraints'. No, you are not 'getting to them'.

These people, at 'the news' it 'any kind of news', are shiftier than a 'chamelion' lizard, or an 'ink filled' cephalopod. They change shape, periodically, as suits their 'need', at the time. They will simply move over to another lying orifice, put on another persona, real or imagined, at another news perform duty's for their lying masters and editors, and none of us, out here...will know the difference, for we are 'trained' to trust, such edifece's as 'the Press', and we seldom second guess.

After all, they are considered to be 'the professionals', and aren't we expected to trust anyone of a professional stripe...from 'the fireman', to 'the cop', to 'the doctor', to the cable guy, telephone lineman, et cetera, et cetera? But what if they aren't professional? What if they're lying, crooked criminal elements...leading us all astray?

Then, do we dash 'freedom of the press', free speech...and the rights guaranteed us in  the Constitution of our country? All for the criminal abuse of the few? Do we follow these thieves of our 'rights', and allow them to hijack our nation, twisting the fabric of our dreams and beliefs...and laws, or do we resist and 'fight back'...keeping our course and our Constitution straight?

We must fight back. Return fire!. It is our duty under the Constitution...when the laws of our land, have been over stepped and derailed...from her purpose. It is our take our nation back, from those who lied and stole, and have their own treasonous way!

Do we pray for a blessing upon ourselves, here in America...from a god we no longer believe in, or do we believe, and honor God...with our steadfast faith and honesty...that he might honor us, with renewed blessing?

Are we worthy, or are we liars? Are our symbols, but rags and tinsel, or are they true and meaningful? Each of us, bears a part of that responsibility, or that shame...should we fail. 'Blessing'! It is not 'a given', anymore. It was given and disgraced. Now, it must be earned!

I must say, the way our nation treats its "Native Americans', is a travesty, unworthy of a Great Spirit, so, as you smoke the 'pipe of money', and blow it up our ass...consider, what your prayers for success are worth. It is not a 'given', anymore!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Caleb Hennessy, peace pipe ritual

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