Monday, December 19, 2016

Chain Smoking

'Chain'. Chain's the name...'Chain Smoking', son of 'Smoking Gunn', hack actor...that appears in everything? Friend of 'Big Tobacco', and wooden indians? You still don't recognize my name? I mean, I AM...that, hairy chested sub alternate, to a California avocado rancher...who takes selfies with 'Teddy Roosevelt' statues, all the time? Not a clue?

Well, blow me then! I suck? Of course, I do...but just for you, a 'freebie'...this one time. You know, to get you hooked again? Remember the 'good old times', you and me, out on our own, a cloud of smoke...and a hearty hi'o Silver? Ah, those were the days...before our lungs caved in, our health went south. They cancelled my franchise.

Hero's aren't what they used to be. 'Marlboro man'? I hear, he 'kicked it'! But just like 'Lassie', there's always another one, fresh and a fresh pack of fags, and as volume went down, price went WAY up, and 'tax', got in the act, to make up for the shortfall, so...we're still around. Government's subsidizing that one, heavily...oh, yeah! Yeehaw!

We be 'farmers' too, and they give ya 'industrial' welfare, in the good old USA...don't they? We might not be a couple, anymore...but here's a 'smoke ring', for nostalgia...memories, to those days, before  'the puritans', arrived on our shore...and brought us, all we got today...liberals, abortion, gay rights, feminists, Islamic prayer towers, and threats to our very existence.

At least, I get to be with my kids...for a few more. My daughter, was talking about school, today...said, they were giving the kids, an 'early release'. I asked, is that, like...from prison? She said, "No, daddy...for Christmas!"  Oh, shit! I am passe'.

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Gun Smokes!, whizzpast, google art

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