Friday, December 2, 2016

Strange Weather Two

My daughter, is wishing for snow, the kind you can make 'snow angels' out of. It was cold enough this morning to make 'snow cones, out my ass. It's 9:30 p.m., raining steadily, about 50 degrees Fahrenheit, no wind, smells delicious outside.

Can't tell, where the dogs leaked, or I leaked...'cause, it's all one big leak. By morning, we hear, a cold front, polar, will be here, and by 7 a.m., it will be freezing the leak, and the 'chicken water'. This is the way, it goes now, along with 'funky' looking 'chemtrail clouds'...possessing characteristics, no one's seen before, temperatures, an 'iffy' heart beat.

Nothing consistent...every day different, 'the new normal', just like 'the second orange President'. I heard Trump, referred to as the 'first' orange President, but he's not, because I coined that expression...of the skin tone, of the 'presently' sitting President. It was 'original' least, I thought so. Whose stealing my lines? Well, there are bigger fish to fry.

When my boy was just old enough to speak. He came up with a verbal expression..."Snap!" That was about 12 years ago. Now, I hear everyone using the expression. I presumed, the expression, was 'original' to Chris. Whose stealing our lines? Or, is it unique to 'no one' and 'everyone', and why would that be, and 'who is hacking our brains'?, and "What the hell, is going on!?" , as 'Neery' told the French scientist, the movie, 'Close Encounters'.

Still an applicable question, I would say, and 'how about an answer', that isn't 'glibly' excused by the powers, that are getting their ass handed to them, at the moment? Oh, to have a human answer, rather than a neatly 'edited, silicon based one. However, as 'clandestine' and 'obscure', are the new definition of 'transparency', this subject is the moment.

I am waiting for the first snow of the season, as my daughter see if the 'new' consistency of 'snow', as is rumored, is a sort of 'sticky slush, like some kind of 'faux snow'. It wouldn't surprise me. Let me check my 'weather rock. It was 'brown', which would indicate...well, 'my dog went out'. Have a nice 'whatever'. Shit!

Written by Bruce James Clyde 2016, at Deming, New Mexico

Art: Tom Shrapnel, film director, strange weather

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